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Guardian - Lore Master

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re: [RP] Sleepless In Orgrimmar

Late and out of sequence but here it is! WoWScribe didn't eat it after all.

[Solivar makes his way back to Orgrimmar from Dire Maul, contemplating all that Steadfast learned -- and did not learn -- in those ancient halls...]

Andinthe drops from the rafters above you, her knees absorbing the impact and bouncing her up to full height.
Andinthe glares angrily at you.
Andinthe says: Orgrimmar? What could you scrabbles possibly be doing in here....
Andinthe says: Don't you have ghosts to chase?

Solivar swings out of the saddle and dismisses Moonshadow in a swirl of shadowy energy.
Solivar inclines a brow.
Solivar says: Perhaps our ghosts have led us here. And you, Andinthe? When last we spoke you were returning to Quel'Thalas....
Solivar says: 'To defend our people,' if I recall correctly.

Andinthe grins wickedly through her helm.
Andinthe eyes the shadows.
Andinthe says: Our people seem to have another agenda..
Andinthe says: Less of "ours" as it is "his" now..

Solivar says: *His*? The Regent?

Andinthe nods subtly, cursing under her breath.
Solivar says: Perhaps we should speak somewhere less...public?

Andinthe looks up to the rafters and then back down to Solivar.
Andinthe says: Of course....
Andinthe grins wickedly.
Andinthe says: Lead on, friend.

Solivar bows from the neck.
Solivar says: I tend to favor the heights above the city.

[The pair flies to a point overlooking the Valley of Wisdom, where the streams that feed the city’s pools flow down the mountains.]

Andinthe looks over the edge and chuckles.

Solivar shrugs out of his sword harness and lays the weapon next to the fire.

Andinthe says: Truly a........ beautiful... spot, Solivar. Your taste clearly is... acquired...
Andinthe leaps from Bloodgrottle's sadle, slapping the boney !@# of the skeletal gryphon which flys away.

Solivar says: You were saying?

Andinthe laughs.
Andinthe says: I was?
Andinthe says: Ah yes...
Andinthe says: Our beloved regent...
Andinthe says: He has thrown his councilors to the beasts that now plague this wretched city.
Andinthe says: Cultists...

Solivar says: *Cultists?* In Silvermoon?

Andinthe cackles maniacally at the situation.
Andinthe says: Grand Magister Rommath apparently has tossed his own lot in with the Twilight's Hammer, and Lor'themar did not take to it lightly.

Solivar scrubs a hand over his face, looking visibly appalled.
Solivar says: I...wish I could say that I did not believe it.

Andinthe says: Don't we all...
Andinthe says: The city was in lock down after the accusations arose, but clearly they don't watch the skies to often.

Solivar says: Do you know how deeply the corruption runs? Have the Farstriders...or the Blood Knights...taken a position?

Andinthe laughs.
Andinthe says: Farstriders...
Andinthe says: A jest truly?
Andinthe says: The Blood Knights of course led quite the witch hunt even in the begining hours, but I left shortly after the ordeal began, so I can give little insight.
Andinthe says: The Farstriders most likely strung their bows from within their training grounds.
Andinthe says: Safe, as always.

Solivar says: ...If you insist. We would, I suppose, know if some ill had befallen the defenders of the Sunwell.

Andinthe says: Quel'Danis is better guarded than this $%^& hole, we have nothing to fear that far north.
Andinthe says: From what I understand, the Ranger-General himself has been stationed there since the fall of Arthas.
Andinthe says: He has seen to its refortification and protection.

Solivar says: Good.
Solivar 's eyes narrow slightly.

Andinthe says: Lady Liadrin has even taken a stance on the Isle.
Andinthe says: With our beloved Lady in command there as well, nothing stands a chance at getting through to the Sunwell.

Solivar says: A formidable force, indeed.

Bloodgrottle screeches from the skies above, sending your mind into a frenzy.

Andinthe laughs.
Andinthe looks up to the gryphon who is devouring an eagle high above you.

Solivar says: ...Baranthore left the Crusade and returned to Silvermoon...

Andinthe quirks a brow.
Andinthe says: I thought he had departed for Northrend?
Andinthe slides her helm from her head, letting it fall to the sandy stone at her feet.

Solivar says: Before that. He told us as much himself -- I suspect it was one of the few true things he said to me when we met in the Scarlet Enclave.

Andinthe says: Hmmm... What would he have to do in Silvermoon?

Solivar says: I am...concerned...given what you just told me that the origin of his subversion may have come from within our homeland.
Solivar says: As to what he was doing....
Solivar says: He told us that he was also returning to protect our homeland and our people.

Andinthe says: [Thalassian] Well, he has either relocated his "home", or got lost along the way.
Andinthe says: [Thalassian] Last I heard from Cathrinia, she saw him in Northrend.
Andinthe says: [Thalassian] Searching...

Solivar says: [Thalassian] That is my fear. He *did* return home and was *corrupted* there.

Andinthe says: [Thalassian] In Silvermoon?

Solivar says: [Thalassian] ...You have spoken to Cathrinia? When? And, yes, in Silvermoon. By your own words -- the highest levels of governance are rotten with the corruption of the cultists. He was a Highlord of the Crusade. Can you imagine a finer tool walking into their hands?

Andinthe says: [Thalassian] I spoke to her a while ago... weeks, maybe even months... Rommath’s supposed betrayal has only been brought up recently.
Andinthe sniffs the air.
Andinthe says: [Thalassian] ...
Andinthe says: [Thalassian] You brought the wretched warlock with you?

Solivar says: [Thalassian] It could easily have lain hidden for the Light alone knows how long.
Solivar says: [Thalassian] Dharkoth goes where he wills, Andinthe. I do not command him.

Andinthe spits on the ground with a wicked glare across her face.
Andinthe says: [Thalassian] We can discuss politics later... what ghosts are you whimps chasing now?

Solivar 's eyes squeeze closed, a pained expression flitting across his face.
Solivar says: [Thalassian] Let us go join my impetuous young colleague...

Andinthe slides her helm back onto her head.

[The pair are joined by Deselynia, who is both alive and very much out of breath.]

Deselynia waves at you.

Andinthe sniffs Deselynia.

Solivar bows from the neck to Deselynia.

Andinthe says: [Thalassian] Smells weak... Solivar... you've softened up...

Deselynia says: OH Thank god a familiar face. Hello Solivar

Solivar says: ...Andinthe.
Solivar 's tone is moderately repressive.
Solivar says: Greetings, lady. Have you seen any of the others?

Deselynia says: I saw Dharkoth talking to another Forsaken... one that steals bread.... and takes cheese....
Deselynia says: He was very confusing.

Andinthe grins wickedly.
Andinthe says: So that scribe came as well?
Andinthe pats Anthelas, trying to calm the dreadhorse.

Solivar says: Dayari. ::dryly:: I should hope so, he is supposed to be watching me.
Solivar smiles wryly.

Andinthe cackles maniacally at the situation.

Solivar says: ....As I was saying....

Deselynia says: So why are we here Solivar?

Solivar says: Baranthore alleged that Highlord Fordring had gone senile...had lost both his way and his sanity and that the Crusade sat idle while new threats abounded.

Andinthe says: There is some truth to that, and the rest is just a restless war hero with unfinished business.

Deselynia says: you gotta be kidding me....

Solivar says: He claimed he had left the Crusade with a handful fo his own followers and returned home to Silvermoon, to take his place among its defenders.

Andinthe says: Hmmm..

Solivar says: ...The next time we spoke was...not in the flesh.

Deselynia says: Fun...

Andinthe says: Solestis did mention a new order had signed a charter... Were there any others with him at the enclave?

Solivar says: I encountered him in something like a dream...or a vision...and he claimed that his master had communed with him through a mirror. None that we met -- though the Enclave is large enough to hide more than a few if they are careful.

Andinthe nods slowly, thinking over the information.
Andinthe says: I will keep an eye out for him.. I have a bone to pick with him still..
Andinthe says: We should find the other morons before they cause any trouble...

Solivar says: He is not in his right mind, Andinthe, and greater in strength than he was before. If you see him -- do not try to take him alone.

Anthelas kicks his front legs up in the air, clearly unsatisified with the smell of the young paladin.

Deselynia says: They were in the vally of spirits.

Andinthe nods at Deselynia.
Andinthe says: I can handle myself Solivar...

Solivar takes up his bone whistle and summons his gryphon.

Andinthe says: Not that any of you ever helped anyway....

Deselynia slowly gets on her horse

Andinthe glares angrily at Dharkoth.

[The trio joins the others in the Valley of Spirits.]

Dharkoth says: well that is good that you found it

Dayari peers at Andinthe searchingly.
Dayari says: Nice neck.
Dayari says: Small though.

Solivar inclines his head in greeting.

Dayari greets you with a hearty hello!

Andinthe says: Does your mother still dress you scribe?

Dharkoth says: the air here just got foul

Andinthe grins wickedly at Dayari.

Dayari says: Scribe?

Andinthe says: A pleasure... as always, wretch...
Andinthe nods at Dayari.

Dharkoth says: may you rot

[Dharkoth summons his felsteed and immediately departs.]

Andinthe says: It would be a welcome end, right after I run you through, bastard.

Deselynia says: what did i miss.

Dayari says: I do that too.

Andinthe says: Hmph.
Andinthe says: That coward will never wise up will he?

Solivar says: would aid me immeasurably if you two would not threaten to murder one another within moments of meeting.

Andinthe spits on the ground.
Andinthe says: He started it, as always.

Dayari says: I thought we were supposed to murder her.

Andinthe glares angrily at Dayari.
Andinthe says: Go ahead and try slack jaw.

Dayari says: I don't remember when I was supposed to try, but I think it had something to do with your neck.

Deselynia says: now now stop the fighting and lets get to buisness.

Andinthe groans with aggravation at the thought of having to work with Dharkoth.
Andinthe says: Where did the other one run off to now....

Deselynia says: Want me to go fetch him Solivar?

Dayari says: I can find him.
Dayari says: I've been finding things a lot now.

olivar says: ...No. Let him go for now.

Dayari says: Alright.
Dayari says: How long is that?

Solivar says: That is an excellent question.

Deselynia says: So what is our plan are we going after more information about the mirror or something else i need to get moving before i pass out.

Solivar says: ....Pass out?

Deselynia says: i have not slept since our trip into Dire Maul.

Dayari says: Good for you. Sleep is a waste of time.

Solivar says: Dayari, she is *alive.* Her body *requires* rest.

Dayari says: Could change that. I know a place...

Andinthe snickers at Dayari.

Deselynia says: Im fine for now im just afraid to fall asleep due to what might happen.

Dayari says: I thought nothing happened when air-gulpers sleep?

Solivar says: What, precisely, might happen?

Deselynia says: you might not have been there when me Jarrand and Dhark discussed this but i might be Deselynian as well...
Deselynia says: ever since i got stabbed with a dagger as a child. i lose alot of time here and there.

Dayari says: I've been stabbed with daggers before.

Andinthe glances over towards the shadows.
Andinthe glaces quickly at Solivar.

Solivar gazes levelly at the young paladin for a long moment.
Solivar says: ....There are methods of inducing sleep that may permit you to rest -- alchemical means.

Andinthe says: It seems Silvermoon isn't the only place littered with them... Contact me when you are clear of any spies and stalkers....

[Andinthe takes wing and departs.]

Solivar rubs his eyes.

Deselynia says: even if i sleep if our assumption is true it wont matter My body will change and she will wake up....

Dayari says: Beats not waking up.

Solivar says: You cannot continue to function indefinitely, no matter how freely you abuse your abilities, paladin. I know this for a truth.
Solivar says: Eventually there wil be a price to be paid by both your mind and your body.

Deselynia says: Very true. but if i prolong it the more time i have to try and find a way to fight it.

Dayari says: Is it that bad?

Deselynia says: If only you knew

Dayari says: I don't think I want to.
Dayari says: Not if it means having to sleep.
Dayari says: I get a lot done at night.

Deselynia says: Well enough about this whats the plan
Deselynia lights up her Ivory Fisherman's Pipe

Solivar says: At this point, I plan to procure some items that will assist you in your endeavor. Nothing that will force you to sleep, I promise you.

Deselynia says: Figuring out how to help Baran is more important im fine .

Dayari says: Help who?

Deselynia says: if anything ill consecrate some ground and fall asleep there so she cant leave it

Solivar says: ...If that is what you wish to do, lady, we may wish to find a safe place for you to sleep.
Solivar says: You are about to fall where you stand.

Dayari says: The Undercity's safe. Well, quiet anyway.

Deselynia says: Do i really look that bad?

Dayari says: Living, that's about it.

Solivar says: do.
Solivar says: At least sit for a moment while I beg the use of an alembic.

Deselynia says: Ok.
Deselynia sits down slowly her legs almost giving out.

Solivar hands Deselynia a pair of crystal flasks, each filled with a slightly irridescent fluid the thickness of cold honey.
Solivar says: You do not have to drink the entire flask at once. In fact, it is much better if you do not.

Deselynia says: So I want the truth do you just want to test the theory or are you actually worried about someone living Solivar.

Solivar says: A single spoonful will restore you sufficiently to function for half a day -- perhaps longer considering how slender you are.

Deselynia says: Really. I swore you would be trying to get me to sleep.

Solivar says: It is not a theory. I assure you the alchemical process that went into producing this elixir was developed before either of us were born.

Dayari says: Old.

Solivar says: And, yes, I am trying to help one of the living. Does this surprise you?

Dayari says: No, just a bad idea.

Deselynia says: Not the fact your helping i want to know if you care if there is a feeling behind it im more puzzled then surprised.
Deselynia opens one of the vials and sniffs it lightly.
The elixir smells wonderfully sweet, honey and wildflowers and a hint of somethng like lightning.

Solivar says: Lady...this is, in truth, only the second time we have spoken. I care, inasmuch as I would care for any who are in need.

Deselynia says: From what i was told by the Order death knights dont care and dont feel so this is surprising news to me

Solivar says: Some do. Some do not.

Deselynia takes a small sip from the vial.
Deselynia says: very interesting

Solivar says: Many of my own order...
Solivar glances around swiftly.

Deselynia says: So how long does it take for this stuff to work?

Solivar says: Many of my own order ways that preclude the possession of emotion. That is true. But we are not all heartless.

Dayari watches the interaction, a look of passive interest on his face.

Solivar says: A few moments. You should feel invigorated physically, and your mind should clear.

Deselynia says: If you dont mind the next time im in the order i will write this down in our logs.

Solivar says: If you wish.

Deselynia says: And mind cleared yes but for some reason i dont feel physically rejuvinated.
Deselynia 's eyes glow the unholy blue for just a moment but she seems not to notice.

Solivar flicks a glance at Dayari.

Dayari says: I didn't say anything.

Solivar says: It may be that your body is simply too exhausted for even the elixir to have much of an effect.

Deselynia says: Maybe so that i might need to just relax for a bit to fix how about we head to a tavern or something.

Dayari says: Tavern. With orcs?

Deselynia says: We could go to undercity if you want they do have better Ales there anyway.

Dayari says: None in Undercity.

Deselynia says: really i swore there was one maybe just a shop then.
Deselynia says: Where should we go?
Deselynia stands up surprisingly quick and startles herself.
Deselynia says: wow where did that come from.

Dayari says: Where did what come from?

Deselynia says: i feel stiff and drained but my body moved as if it wasnt.

Dayari shrugs at Deselynia. Who knows?

Solivar says: ...Odd. There is a rather distinct disconnection between the elixir's effects on your mind and on your body.
Solivar says: And there are several taverns in here in the city if you would like something to eat or drink.

Dayari says: With orcs.

Solivar says: Just over here for example.

Deselynia says: well thats not THAT important as long as i wont fall asleep so lets go hit the town

Dayari eyes Sijambi up and down.

Deselynia says: Thank you Solivar.

[Solivar purchases and plunks down a jug of milk in front of Deselynia.]

Solivar inclines his head slightly.
Solivar says: You should eat something, as well. It cannot hurt at this point.

Deselynia sips at the milk slowly

Dayari says: Air-gulpers like to do that.

Deselynia says: Yea what am i in the mood for though.

Solivar says: I maintain that what you need more than anything else is genuine rest.
Solivar glances at Dayari and beckons him closer.
Solivar murmurs, in a low voice, "Did you see her eyes change?"

Dayari says: The grey ones?

Deselynia orders a plate of Rockscale Cod and sneaks in a few Glasses of Eversong Wine into her order.
Deselynia says: MMMH this is good. Think ill get another.
Deselynia orders another full plate of food something someone of her size should not be able to do. and not be taking it home for later

Solivar says: ...Deselynia's eyes.

Dayari says: She has two.

Solivar 's eyebrows develop a sharp little crease between them that suggest he is in enormous pain.

Deselynia says: are you ok Solivar?

Solivar says: I am fine. You, however, should not be drinking wine in your current state.

Dayari says: I think he got something in his eyes.

Solivar says: Particularly if you do not wish to fall asleep.
Solivar says: If you do, however, I believe there are rooms upstairs.

Deselynia says: Ive always been good at holding my alchohol and besides its only wine i was thinging on getting the bourbon and i actually am starting to feel better.

Dayari says: Good. I think.

Deselynia 's Eyes flash over again and this time they stay for a moment and then disipate.

Solivar says: ....As you wish. But I suggest you avoid it as much as you can.

Deselynia says: I was only having two im not going to push my luck here.
Deselynia says: and besides you cant eat without having at least one glass its like a sin.
Deselynia munches on a third order of fish.

Solivar says: Only in Silvermoon, lady. ::wryly::

Dayari says: That's a lot of eating, even for an air-gulper.

Deselynia says: Oh yea right they are tiny fish i could probably eat six or seven fo these at this rate.
Deselynia says: Solivar you want anything? my Treat

Solivar says: If you do wish to rest, Deselynia, this may be an ideal place for it. The Valley of Spirits is...heavily attuned to a defensive nature, as its liminal boundaries with the spirit world are so thin.

Dayari looks at you with a confused look.

Deselynia says: very true. after im done eating i think ill go rest a bit

Solivar says: The fetishes and totems may be a more effective binding method than even holy prayer. No -- no thank you. I do not require food.

Deselynia says: require shmire you still have taste dont you
Deselynia pulls out a mirror and makes sure she has nothing stuck in her teeth.

Solivar says: ...Not really, no. It is one of the less pleasant aspects of my state.
Solivar says: Very little taste. Very little physical sensation at all, really.

Deselynia says: wow i feel sorry for you

Dayari says: Better that way, isn't it?

Deselynia says: Sometimes No Dayari have you ever wondered what its like to taste?

Dayari says: No.
Dayari says: I used to taste.

Deselynia says: Do you remember what it was like?

Dayari says: It was alright.
Dayari says: Nothing special. Now I don't sleep.

Deselynia says: sleep i agree is overrated

Solivar smiles wryly at Dayari.

Deselynia says: now ill leave you two alone for a moment i need to freshen up upstairs and get out of my armor
Deselynia says: i shall return in a moment

Dayari says: Alright.

Solivar says: As you wish.

Deselynia bows and excuses herself from the table

Dayari says: She always that strange?

Solivar says: ....I cannot really say. I do not know her well.

Dayari says: Me neither, I think.

Solivar says: But if what she says is true...if her soul was truly riven as a child...and one part of her being lives and the other half is undead....

Dayari says: Which one do we help?

Solivar says: Well. That. And it poses an...interesting...metaphysical conundrum, as well. Especially since they seem to be sharing a *single* body.

Dayari says: Sharing isn't always good.

Solivar says: I was trained in the necromantic arts among the Thuzadin adepts of Scholomance, and even I have no idea how such a thing would even begin to work.
Solivar says: And, no, sharing is not always good.
Solivar says: This is likely one of those times.

Deselynia is heard upstairs as her armor hits the floor

Dayari says: Could see about sewing her back up?

Deselynia is heard decending the stairs again
Deselynia says: Hello again Gentlemen.

Solivar says: ....I am not certain such a thing would be possible. It would, I think, be as difficult as separating Dharkoth and his...guest...again.

Dayari says: Different again.

Solivar says: Welcome back.

Deselynia says: What were you two discussing while i was gone? or is it Undead guy talk and i would not understand.

Dayari says: Sewing.

Deselynia chuckles to herself and a slight echo is heard.
Deselynia sits back down at the table

Solivar says: 'Undead guy talk' actually describes it quite accurately.

Deselynia says: So going to fill a lady in?

Solivar says: I fear, however, that I must be taking my own leave now...I have a bit of business that cannot wait -- Highlord Mograine is becoming quite demanding of my time.

Dayari says: If you need to attach two things, sewing them together works. Use it in Undercity all the time.

Deselynia says: farewell Solivar may ebon Hold shine upon you or what it is your order is .

Solivar says: Dayari, would you consent to attending the lady as she wishes?

Dayari says: I can watch her.

Solivar says: Thank you, brother.
Solivar says: Farewell, lady. Farewell, Dayari. I shall, I hope, see you both soon.
Solivar bows from the shoulders.

Dayari waves goodbye to you. Farewell!

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