Guild Bylaws

As written and adopted on April 20, 2008  -  Last Revised: March 18, 2015

Guild Bylaws



Section I – Name

Name: Steadfast

Realm: Steamwheedle Cartel

Faction: Horde


Section II – Mission

We are a Role-Play friendly guild that offers casual raiding for mature individuals over 18 years of age. Our focus is to have an enjoyable in-game experience with positive character interaction. Our democratically elected Guild Council will offer support and encourage a friendly and creative environment for all of our members.




Right of Membership

Those wishing to join must read the Guild Bylaws and Policies. After having read said information, an interview must be conducted by the Speaker of the guild who will make the decision to invite guild members based upon their responses to interview questions and the degree to which that individual demonstrates consistency with the values of the guild. When an applicant joins the guild, they will be in a probationary "Pledge" status. You must be at least 18 years of age, friendly and willing to help others to be considered for membership.




Rank I – Pledge

A Pledge is a new guild member that has been invited by the Speaker. Pledges must remain at this rank for a minimum of one week before they are eligible for promotion. Promotions will be granted during the next scheduled guild meeting, at the discretion of the Officer Council and the completion of the New Member Survey to assist the guild in better getting to know the new member. While holding the rank of Pledge, an effort must be made to meet the Guild Membership requirements. Pledges will be eligible to participate in all guild activities to allow their guild mates an opportunity to get to know them. You must read the appropriate events policy as listed on the website and adhere to all requirements listed. Guild Bank access will not be granted while members are in the probationary rank of Pledge.


Rank II – Adept

After having served as a Pledge for at least 7 days and completion of the New Member Survey, a Pledge becomes eligible for a promotion to Adept. Promotions will be granted at the next scheduled guild meeting, at the discretion of the Officer Council. An Adept will be eligible to participate in all guild events. You must read the appropriate events policy as listed on the website and adhere to all requirements listed. An Adept will have access to more tabs of the Guild Bank and any items located in these tabs. Once a member has reached the rank of Adept, they may have their other characters invited to the guild. You must remain at the rank of Adept for a minimum of three months.


Rank III – Veteran

After having served as an Adept for at least 90 days, an Adept becomes eligible for a promotion to Veteran. The Officer Council will determine if an Adept will be awarded this promotion based on the Adept’s participation in guild activities. Promotions will be granted at the next scheduled guild meeting. A Veteran will be eligible to participate in all guild events. A Veteran is expected to participate in a minimum of 20% of scheduled guild events. You must read the appropriate event’s policy as listed on the website and adhere to all requirements listed. A Veteran must represent the guild in the best possible manner at all times. A Veteran will have access to more tabs of the Guild Bank and all items located in these tabs. A Veteran may have their other characters invited to the guild. A Veteran is eligible to run for any position on the Officer Council during standard elections.


Rank IV – Champion

A Champion is a member at the Veteran status that is highly active in guild activities. The Officer Council will determine if a Veteran will be awarded this promotion based on the Veteran’s participation in guild activities. Promotions will be granted at the next scheduled guild meeting. A Champion must contribute to the betterment of the guild and have demonstrated a strong understanding of our core principles. A Champion will be eligible to participate in all guild events. A Champion is expected to participate in a minimum of 20% of scheduled guild events. You must read the appropriate event’s policy as listed on the website and adhere to all requirements listed. A Champion must represent the guild in the best possible manner at all times. A Champion will have access to more tabs of the Guild Bank and all items located in these tabs. A Champion may have their other characters invited to the guild. A Champion is eligible to run for any position on the Officer Council during standard elections.




Section I – Officer Council

Officer Council positions will be held for a term of four months. The positions that will be available for election are: Speaker, Bard, Marshal and Warlord. You must hold the rank of Veteran or higher to be eligible as a candidate for any of the available council positions. The Officer Council, in conjunction with the three Guardians, will oversee guild operations. Members of the Officer Council may not hold positions of authority in any other guild. Each council member will appoint members to their committee at their own discretion.


Section II – Voting Policies

Each council member will hold their position for a term of four months. Elections will take place on the following dates: August 1, December 1, April 1. The Guardian Charter Master will oversee the election process. They will verify membership of nominees, notify those nominated for the office and conduct the election process.


Section III – Limit of Terms

Council members are limited to a total of three consecutive terms, or one full year. If a council member has held their position for three consecutive terms, they will be ineligible for that position for one term.




Section I - SPEAKER

The Speaker shall review all membership applications and invite qualified applicants into the Guild. The Speaker shall schedule the monthly Guild meetings and acts as the chair during these meetings. In addition, the Speaker is responsible for gathering reports for the other Councilors, passing requests for Safety Deposit bank slot items as needed, accepting and disseminating proposed bylaw amendments from Guild members, and keeping things running smoothly within the Guild. The Speaker is responsible for Guild recruitment activities such as postings on recruitment forums. All applications for the Guild are routed through the Speaker who will inform the other Councilors and Guardians. Speaker will inform candidates on how to join and also will determine when they are eligible for subsequent promotions. The Speaker may appoint Assistant Officers to aide them in their duties as needed. The Speaker will have forum moderation rights for relevant sections of the Guild forums. If the Speaker is unavailable to carry out their duties for a period of time, the Charter Master shall fill in until the Speaker is once again available.


Section II - BARD

The Bard is responsible for the planning and overseeing of Guild role-playing events. The Bard is responsible for recruiting their own committee and for keeping the other Councilors and the Guardians informed of events. The Guardians will be available to assist the Bard as necessary, It is also the responsibility of the Bard to notify the Guild membership of the events, post the events on the Guild calendar, and promote the events outside of the Guild as appropriate. The Bard is responsible for hosting role-playing events at a minimum frequency of once per week. The Bard may appoint Assistant Officers to aide them in their duties as needed. The Bard will have forum moderation rights for relevant sections of the Guild forums. If the Bard is unavailable to carry out their duties for a period of time, the Lore Master shall fill in until the Bard is once again available.



The Warlord is responsible for scheduling at least one raid weekly, keeping order at Guild meetings, and Guild sponsored events. The Warlord will share the responsibility with the Raid Master of selecting guild members for raiding, based on gear and need, and will work with the Raid Master to set raid schedules, and select Raid Leaders as necessary. While any member of the Council or any Guardians present in the raid may assist in acting to ensure that loot received is appropriate for class and specialization, the Warlord will have final say in any loot council matters. The Warlord may appoint Assistant Officers to aide them in their duties as needed. The Warlord will have forum moderation rights for relevant sections of the Guild forums. If the Warlord is unavailable to carry out their duties for a period of time, the Raid Master shall fill in until the Warlord is once again available.

Section IV - MARSHAL

The Marshal is responsible for scheduling and organizing player vs. player activities within the guild. These can include weekly battleground forays, Arena matches, and strategic attacks on Alliance targets. It is the Marshal's responsibility to select members for player vs. player content in such a way as to ensure optimal chances of success and to be able to guide members of the Guild in strategy and equipment. The Marshal will possess arena charter for sponsored Guild arena teams, funded through the Guild vault. The Marshal may appoint Assistant Officers to aide them in their duties as needed. The Marshal will have forum moderation rights for relevant sections of the Guild forums. If the Marshal is unavailable to carry out their duties for a period of time, the Battle Master shall fill in until the Marshal is once again available.


Section V – Guardian Offices

Guardians of the guild have the responsibility of ensuring that Steadfast remain steadfast in its principles. Guardians will retain Veto power over guild decisions. Though each Guardian will have their area of expertise, they should be able to assist and offer advice in any of the areas. Guardians will serve the guild using four offices:


Battle Master


Will be responsible for overseeing the guild arena teams and organized player vs. player content. Will work to ensure that Steadfast's ethical standards are maintained on the battlefield. They will also assist in creating team names that maintain the Role-Playing theme of the guild.


Charter Master

Will be responsible for organizing and overseeing Officer Council elections. They will coordinate additional elections as may be needed. Will be responsible for updating guild member ranks. Will be responsible for overseeing and assisting in Speaker activities. Will schedule Officer meetings every other Tuesday and as requested.


Raid Master

Will work with the Warlord to oversee raiding. They will assist with team composition and evaluating player’s preparedness for the raid using talent and gear score evaluators. They will help determine appropriate objectives for raiding and help in setting raid schedules.


Lore Master

Is responsible for setting the overall Role-Playing theme of the guild. They will work with the Bard to ensure lore continuity.

If any Guardian cannot serve his or her function, the other Guardians will assume responsibility of that position until said Guardian is able to resume his or her function. Once promoted to a Guardian, the position will be held indefinitely, baring a decision by the Guardian to step down or an impeachment. If a Guardian vacates their position, nominees will be selected by the Guardian Council and voted on by guild members. Nominees must have been members of the guild for a minimum of one year and in good standing. Nominees must have successfully held an Officer Council position for a minimum of one term. A nominee must win by a 2/3 majority vote to be elected.




Section I – 5-man Instance and Heroic Groups

All Bind on Pickup (BoP) items will be rolled for using the in-game loot system. If the item is a legitimate upgrade for your character, you may roll “Need” on it. If not, members may choose “Greed” or “Disenchant” (if it is available).

All Bind on Equip (BoE) items will be rolled for using the in game loot system. If the item is a legitimate upgrade for your character you may roll “Need” on it. If looting a BoP item, you may be asked to equip it during the run to confirm your intent to use the item rather than sell it.


Section II – Raids

All raid looting will be done using a Master Looter. The Master Looter will distribute items based on priority. Priority will be determined using the EP/GP system.


Section III – Reputation Marks

Reputation marks include items such as Arcane Tomes, Marks of Kil’Jaeden, Fel Armaments, etc. You may only roll “Need” on a reputation mark if your character is actively courting reputation from the relevant faction. Greed rolls may be performed by everyone in the group.


Section IV – Auto-Loot and “Ninja Looters”

Auto-Loot must be disabled during all guild group activities. No exceptions or excuses.

Guild members will be permitted two violations of the above listed policies. The second violation will be accompanied with a stern warning that you are nearing disciplinary action. Upon the third violation, the Guild Council will remove the member in question from the guild. The testimony of other guild mates and/or screenshots will be accepted as evidence.



Any council member is subject to review and removal from office if an impeachment petition is delivered to the Speaker. The Speaker will be responsible for coordinating a secret ballot, which must pass with a 2/3 majority vote of the Guild quorum. If the Speaker is the council member in question, the impeachment petition may be presented to one of the Guardians.



Section I – Quorum

A quorum must consist of a minimum of 50% of active voting guild members and must include at least two council members. A quorum will be required for all official raid business.


Section II – Meetings

It is suggested that guild meeting be held regularly once per month. These will be posted in the Guild calendar a minimum of one week in advance. They will be referred to as general meetings of the guild.


Section III – Special Meetings and Elections

Special meetings will be scheduled as guild need dictates at the Speaker’s discretion. These meeting must be scheduled a minimum of four days in advance. Guild Election meetings must be scheduled a minimum of one month in advance. These meeting must take place a minimum of two weeks before the current council term expires.



If the Speaker should be absent from a meeting, the declination of power will pass in the following order:

Charter Master

Raid Master/Lore Master/Battle Master



Section V – Procedures

Guild members must behave in a respectful manner at all guild meetings. Members must remain muted until reports are completed, at which time comments will be allowed. The Warlord will be responsible for correcting anyone who is out of line, and enforcing proceedings during all guild meetings.


Section VI – Attendance

Although it is strongly suggested you attend guild meetings, they are not a requirement. In order to be eligible to vote, hold the rank of Veteran or hold a seat on the Officer Council, guild members are required to maintain a minimum of 20% attendance to guild sponsored events each month.


Section VII – Removal from the Guild

Council members may remove a member from the guild for any of the following reasons:

Violation of Guild Bylaws

Violation of Guild Policy

Continued extreme unruly and/or immature behavior after having been warned.

Guild members that are found to be under 18 years of age will be removed immediately from the guild.




Section I – Bylaw Review

This document will be reviewed by the Guardians of the guild at least once per year. The Guardians are permitted to review and ratify it as often as needed, with no maximum limit to such process.


Section II – Proposing Amendments

Any member of the guild may propose an amendment to the Guild Bylaws. All amendments must be submitted, in writing, to the Speaker a minimum of four days before being brought before the guild at a guild meeting. The Guild Speaker will submit copies of the proposed amendments to the other council members and Guardians upon receipt.


Section III – Ratification

Amendments and revisions will be adopted by a 2/3 majority vote of eligible guild members present.


Section IV – Bylaw Changes Not Requiring a Vote of Membership

Semantic, spelling, mechanics, usage and grammar issues found to be in the Guild Bylaws will be corrected by the Guardians without affecting the content. Changes to the bylaws in such a capacity will not require voting of the entire guild. Corrections will be approved by a majority vote of the guild Guardians. After such changes have been approved, the Guardians will be responsible for posting a copy of all changes to the website for the guild.

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