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Guardian - Lore Master

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re: Regrouping

Due to the length and complexity of this past week's Tavern Night, I will be posting the log in three stages over the course of the next day or so. Log number one is posted as the first comment below.

Guardian - Lore Master

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re: Regrouping

[Steadfast is summoned to meet in the city of Silvermoon to regroup and exchange information.]

Leía says: so?
Leía says: where is everyone?

Solivar says: Welcome, Lady. I believe that most of our brethren are still travelling.

Leía says: ok
Leía says: greetings solivar
Leía greets Jarrand with a hearty hello!

Jarrand hails everyone around him.

Solivar lays the enormous book he is carrying down and nods in greeting to the Windspeaker.

Leía greets Meton with a hearty hello!

Jarrand says: Death Knights. A lot these days.

Meton cracks his neck.

Jarrand says: But, you're elves too and if you were looking for a home, this might be one too.

Meton says: Been quite a long month for me, how about for the rest of you?

Leía says: this place will never be home to me

Solivar nods to Meton.

Jarrand says: Never is an awfully long time there.

Solivar says: ...I admit I wondered if you had returned to Silvermoon.

Leía says: i was not born here

Meton says: Yes, I have found a permanent home here for myself.

Leía says: my home is gone

Meton says: Surprisingly enough my reputation has helped me this time around.

Jarrand says: You've got people whispering in ears for you now?

Solivar grimaces slightly, and seats himself on a floor cushion, one hand resting lightly on his side.

Meton says: Guess they have been for the past three years.

Jarrand says: And what do your whispers say that's made such a change for you?

Meton says: Word kept spreading that I was there at the final battle in Icecrown.
Meton says: People seem to like that I helped kill the big bad.

Jarrand says: Yes. That would do wonders for your reputation.

Ayerian flips his rifle around and begins to balance it in the palm of his hand, clearly uninterested in his surroundings or those included.

Jarrand says: Speaking of reputation, I hear some things lately of trouble.

Leía says: do you refer to baranthore

Meton says: People are still nervous around me, for good reason. One can't just erase all the terrible things but it seems I've hit an upwind in my unlife so far since my return.
Meton says: Oh?

Leía says: as of yet no one's been able to find him

Meton says: What has happened to the Paladin?
Meton says: I meant to check in with him and the girl.

Leía says: perhaps solivar should explain

Solivar glances over his shoulder and up the stairs but says nothing, turning back to the group.

Ayerian perks his ears at the mention of the duo.

Jarrand says: No, no names this time. Just the bubbling of the river.

Leía says: i think perhaps we should hear this from dharkoth
Leía says: when he arrives

Solivar says: Yes. The...situation is a complex one.

Meton says: Aren't they always brother?

Solivar 's tone is coolly distant. "Dharkoth will not be joining us."

Meton lightly punches Solivar in the shoulder.

Leía says: greetings sister

Jarrand says: Is it Ears, or is it his passenger that says so?

Winterzmoon says: Howdee Sis

Jarrand greets Winterzmoon with a hearty hello!

Leía smiles at Winterzmoon.

Solivar says: Greetings, sister.

Meton says: Hello there.

Winterzmoon says: greetings all
Winterzmoon falls asleep. Zzzzzzz.

Solivar says: ...As to is difficult to tell. And of a piece with Baranthore's...situation. It is best, I think, to start at the beginning.

Leía says: hmm

Jarrand says: Tired?

Meton says: Why won't he be joining us?
Meton says: Dharkoth.

Solivar says: He feels that I have betrayed him. He...does not trust me to attend his safety or his best interests.

Winterzmoon says: He is a FOOL then

Jarrand says: I find that surprising.

Meton says: What happened? This must have been a misunderstanding.

Leía says: i will return shortly, i need to check and see if dharkoth and the others have arrived

Ayerian flips his rifle around and begins to balance it in the palm of his hand, clearly uninterested in his surroundings or those included.

Leía says: greetings hunter

Solivar says: As I is likely best to start at the beginning.

Meton says: Alright. I'm all ears.

Jarrand says: When you can find it, that's a good place to start.

Winterzmoon says: Is there really a beginning and not just a middle that goes round like a Merry-Go-Round?

Jarrand chuckles at Winterzmoon.

Solivar says: Several weeks ago, we received a summons from Baranthore -- requesting that we come to the east, the Plaguelands just outside of Tyr's Hand.

Winterzmoon says: Do go on with the story Solivar.

Solivar says: He had heard of our search for a permanent home...and while he had withdrawn into his service with the Argent Crusade prior, he had thought of us. It effect...a sort of trap.

Jarrand says: A trap?

Winterzmoon says: Who set the Trap?

Solivar 's tone grows gradually cooler and flatter as he speaks.
Solivar says: Yes, a trap. Set by Baranthore. I suspect it was mostly for my benefit. He drew us into the ruin of the Scarlet Enclave beyond Tyr's Hand.
Solivar says: He pretended, at first, at suggesting we might rehabilitate the place and take it as our own...but I suspect his ultimate goals were less charitable.

Meton says: Why would he set a trap?

Jarrand says: A peculiar kind of madness, from what I saw.

Winterzmoon says: Is he against us and does he mistrust us that much?

Solivar says: He began...raving for want of a better term. Suggesting that the Light had given him the power to command the mindless undead...
Solivar 's gaze slides sideways to Meton.
Solivar says: ...You and I know why that cannot possibly be true.

Meton returns the gaze.
Meton says: Yes...the Light allows for revivals but not control.
Meton says: The energy does not match.

Ayerian flips his rifle around and begins to balance it in the palm of his hand.

Solivar says: I was concerned enough by his behavior that I permitted him to draw me off to the ruins of the Chapel of the Holy Flame, in the hope of distracting him.

Winterzmoon whispers to Jarrand, what is happening are they involved with Baranthore too?

Solivar swallows with some difficulty, his voice planed flat of emotion.

Jarrand looks to Winterzmoon and states "As much as the fly is a part of the spider's web."

Arnzak greets Jarrand warmly.

Jarrand greets Arnzak with a hearty hello!

Solivar says: He...used whatever power he had attained to command me there. To *physically* compel my obedience. It...*felt* like...It does not matter what it felt like.

Meton says: No, please. What did it feel like?

Solivar says: It was all I could do to resist him, and when I did, he attacked me physically. He stabbed me with a blade that left no physical injury.

Winterzmoon says: But if we are to find out what type of power he beholds, we need all the details of what it felt like Solivar.

Meton says: Hmm...

Ayerian perks his ears again, leaning his rifle up against the column.

Meton says: Any nightmares or hallucinations since?

Meton says: Sounds like it was meant to attack the mind.

Solivar is silent for a momentand when he finally speaks, it emerges as a whisper.

Leía greets Arnzak with a hearty hello!

Solivar says: It felt like the touch of the Light. It was...the worst thing I have ever felt.

Leía says: im back

Arnzak welcomes Leía.

Leía laughs.
Leía bows before Arnzak.

Jarrand says: When the Light is across the divide from you, it is anything but comforting.

Leía says: winter

Meton says: So the Light burned you?

Solivar says: We...essentially fled, shortly thereafter, and Baranthore vanished.

Leía says: there are bed in the inn
Leía says: if you wish to use them

Meton says: Strange.

Winterzmoon says: *yawns* yes

Meton says: Not about the burning, that should be normal.

Leía says: i think there is a bed through there

Jarrand says: Has anyone heard from or of Baranthore since then?

Ayerian picks his rifle back up and leans up against the column, perking his ears yet again to listen in.

Winterzmoon says: I must pay attention, Solivar is saying we have a betrayer or so in amonst us.

Solivar says: It...::A pause, an almost visible struggle for words:: Not...burned. That would have been...normal, as you say.
Solivar says: Do you remember how it was, when you felt *Him* pouring himself into your mind, your soul, speaking and acting through you? It felt like that...but as though it should be...pure.

Ayerian flips his rifle around and begins to balance it in the palm of his hand.

Leía looks over the books on the shelf, finding nothing to read she turns and walks away

Meton says: Interesting indeed.

Solivar says: And the purity of it...was utterly repulsive.
Solivar says: But to answer your question...I do not sleep, nightmares.

Leía glares angrily.

Solivar smiles wryly.

Jarrand says: But Baranthore seemed anything but pure in his visage that night.

Winterzmoon says: shhhh ....there is something strange about these green crystal floating here. There is a spy amonst us. We need need to move somewhere else.

Meton says: How about hallucinations, visual or otherwise?

Leía says: how can they bad mouth him like that
Leía says: the only person who can help me find my father is missing!

Jarrand says: There is a stray breeze on the winds.

Solivar says: Sister?

Jarrand looks at Ayerian.

Meton says: Oh him?

Ayerian slides his rifle down into his hands, his finger sliding to the trigger.

Leía says: where are you baranthore

Meton says: I heard him fiddling with his rifle.

Winterzmoon nods

Meton says: Come out if you wish. Or keep hiding, you'll get caught eventually.

A sly smirk spreads across Ayerian's face.
Ayerian whistles for Syrenna who quickly comes prancing over.

Meton says: And you are?

Solivar inclines his head in greeting.

Ayerian stares at Meton but does not reply.

Jarrand says: Cat got your tongue?
Jarrand says: Or just your fox?
Jarrand laughs.

Ayerian glances down towards Syrenna, then looks back and chuckles.

Leía taps her foot as she waits for Ayerian.

Meton says: Well then, have nothing to say?

Ayerian says: Your guy... he's gone.

Meton says: Baranthore?

Solivar says: ...You know something of Baranthore?

Ayerian says: Northrend, left three days ago.. you should really invest in a tracker.
Ayerian says: Ehh, he might have had a name.
Ayerian flips his rifle around and begins to balance it in the palm of his hand.

Leía says: northrend?
Leía says: why would he go there?

Solivar says: How do you know this?

Meton says: It always comes down to there doesn't it.

Leía greets Thasham with a hearty hello!

Ayerian looks around the room, clearly not all too interested while his pockets are so light.

Leía says: sigh

Ayerian says: I watch things...

Leía says: Typical
Leía says: he wants payment

Ayerian says: Scourge take your eyes or something budd?
Ayerian glances down at Solivar.

Leía says: hello shaman
Leía says: i hate greedy elfs

Ayerian smirks at Leia.

Solivar tosses a small leather pouch that clinks in a rather satisfying way at the hunter's feet.

Ayerian glances down at the pouch and nods at Syrenna, who bites down on the pouch and slinks off.
Ayerian says: Yeh, three days... Northrend... Wen't by way of the Undercity..

Solivar says: Now....Your thoughts on this matter?

Jarrand greets Thasham with a hearty hello!

Ayerian says: Ehh, seemed somewhat... determined...

Solivar says: How so?

Leía says: here doggie
Leía gently pats Thasham.

Ayerian says: Mumbling about a girl, if I remember correctly... suppose, you wouldn't happen to know the name of that girl would ya?

Jarrand says: Spoken like a word merchant.

Thasham says: Rina! HERE NOW!

Solivar 's eyes narrow a dangerous fraction.

Leía says: baranthore has somethings that belong to me, and i want them back

Rinalee says: Sorry Master...

Ayerian looks on at Solivar, clearly interested now.
Ayerian says: Your things... are worth money right?

Thasham says: Rina the day has been long and patience has been tested already. Be more attentive of your master!

Leía says: master?
Leía says: i killed mine

Solivar extracts a second pouch from his belt and begins tossing individual gold coins at the hunter's feet.

Leía says: now im free
Leía laughs.

Solivar says: The name of the girl.

Thasham frowns.

Solivar says: Anything he said.

Ayerian slides the pouch of gold back towards Solivar with his foot.
Ayerian says: Let's call this a test then...

Solivar says: And your mercenary head remaining on your shoulders.

Ayerian says: I think we both know, that you know, the name...

Leía shivers in dread at the thought of learning the name

Ayerian glances over his shoulder as Syrenna slinks back, obviously having heard the sound of gold coins.
Ayerian gently pats Syrenna.

Solivar smiles, an expression that consists mostly of unnaturally sharp teeth and which does not reach his eyes.
Solivar says: Let us not play this game, child.

Ayerian slides his rifle back down into his hands, his finger on the trigger again.

Jarrand says: No need for weapons, Breeze.

Ayerian says: Something with an N at the start I believe... Can't quite be sure....

Winterzmoon needs to go for a drink. Anyone else?

Solivar says: Neshala.

Meton says: Nashala?

Ayerian snaps his fingers.
Ayerian says: That might have been it... yeh...

Leía says: wait!
Leía says: did you say Nashala

Ayerian eyes Leía over, then drops his gaze back to Solivar.
Ayerian says: Got blood thistle growing in your ears kid?

Leía glares angrily.

Ayerian chuckles at Leía.

Leía says: for your information your arrogant greedy elf!

Solivar says: Neshala is Baranthore's daughter -- his adopted child.

Rinalee smiles at Syrenna.

Meton pets Syrenna.

Leía hangs her head dejectedly.
Leía says: then its true
Leía says: im just an orphan

Ayerian coughs rather rudely and loudly, an angered look spreading across his face.

Leía says: with no family and no future

Jarrand says: Only the puddle drying in the sun can say that.

Ayerian says: Blood elves.... too many damn drugs these days...

Solivar says: He departed for Northrend in search of her?

Ayerian says: Maybe.
Ayerian says: What's it to you old timer?

Solivar says: We are searching for the one...and the other may be the key to finding him.

Ayerian kicks the coin purse off the stairs.
Ayerian says: Lets make a deal then...

Solivar glances over his shoulder.

Jarrand says: And how will you fly, with your purse so heavy with coin?

Thasham says: Rinalee sometimes i think back to the day i find you, all those years ago in durotar

Ayerian says: Tell me where he "adopted" this... girl... from, and I'll.. "lend a hand" in finding him...
Ayerian says: Syrenna handles the coin...

Thasham says: it was a day ill remember forever

Jarrand says: Very generous of you.

Solivar says: She was rescued from the Cult of the Damned in Northrend -- the only survivor of a group of children they had kidnapped. She believed her family entirely gone.

Ayerian says: You'd be surprised...

Solivar says: Baranthore took her in as his ward.

Ayerian taps his chin with his free hand.
Ayerian says: Who rescued her?

Meton says: I believe they did, I wasn't there at the time.

Solivar says: ...Dharkoth and I.

Ayerian glares angrily at you.

Thasham falls asleep. Zzzzzzz.

Ayerian says: Hmm..

Leía expression softens at her anger fades

Ayerian says: Well... when do we head north?

Thasham says: i think i just traveled to the third dimension??!!!!

Ayerian slinks back behind the curtain, clearly hiding from the patrols.

Solivar says: ....A moment.
Solivar gathers up Meton and Jarrand with a glance.

Meton nods

Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.

Solivar gestures to Leia.
Solivar says: ...Leia. Sister, please join us.

Leía says: im not your sister
Leía says: why should i join you

Meton looks at Rhuunhym.

Leía says: i have no family
Leía says: and no purpose

Solivar says: Leia.

Jarrand says: Then I'd start looking for them then.

Meton says: Make your own purpose.

Solivar 's tone hardens and cools.

Leía says: my mother is dead orc!

Jarrand says: As is the way of things.

Leía says: for all i know so is my father!

Ayerian mumbles something about "welcome to the club", under his breath.

Solivar says: Are you going to wallow in self-pity, woman, or do something to remedy your situation?

Meton says: Yeah, mine died in front of me when I was...twelve?

Solivar says: If the one, you may do so at your own leisure.

Meton says: I empathise with you.

Leía says: why should i help you find the paladin
Leía says: i want back what is mine

Meton says: Baranthore knows about them correct?

Leía says: baranthore has the letter my father sent me before the attack

Meton says: Exactly why you should tag along.

Leía says: and the only remaining picture of my family

Solivar says: ...If Baranthore departed from Undercity, his port of destination must have been Vengeance Landing.

Meton says: We are going to find him.
Meton says: Then you can get the answers you seek.

Thasham says: rin i am shorry, you know what alchohol doesh to me ...hic!

Leía says: what anwsers
Leía says: as the greedy hunter stated

Rinalee says: I know... I'm used to it.

Leía says: neshala is his daughter
Leía says: i have no connection to him then
Leía says: i'll go to get what is mine
Leía says: then im going home

Thasham says: now i am afraid i must take my leave to the inn, you may come if you like

Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.

Meton says: Good luck to you then.

Thasham says: if not i understand...i am sorry ...hic!
Thasham waves.

Leía glares angrily at Ayerian.

Rinalee looks at Thasham.

Jarrand says: Yes, but remember look too long into the winds and the skin blisters.

Rinalee smiles at Thasham.

Leía says: back off dog

Ayerian chuckles at Syrenna from the shadows.

Leía says: or i'll feed you to my minion
Leía glares angrily at Syrenna.

Solivar says: It is entirely possible that Baranthore returned to Northrend...It was the last place Neshala was to be found alive.

Jarrand hails Tylthanar.

Tylthanar looks everyone over

Solivar says: Andinthe suggested as much.

Meton says: Oh?

Tylthanar bows down graciously.

Meton says: Heard from her recently?
Meton nods at Tylthanar.

Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.

Tylthanar says: It is so nice to finally meet you all

Solivar 's gaze fixes on the newcomer, inclining his head in greeting.

Leía says: good boy
Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.

Solivar says: Greetings, brother.

Jarrand says: Is it now?

Leía says: greetings stranger

Tylthanar says: I would have to say that you sir in front of me would be Solivar

Solivar says: And...yes, we have. It is...the origin of Dharkoth's displeasure with me.
Solivar says: I am he.

Tylthanar says: The one on my left would be Meton I think and you would be the one called Windspeaker Jarrand if I am not mistaken

Jarrand says: So you know us well enough before meeting. I'm afraid I don't know you though.

Meton says: What did she do now? She's a bit crazy but in a fun way half of the time. Made some times in the Kings Fist pre-destruction fun.

Tylthanar says: He described you well then, though from the way he spoke of you I would think you were much taller

Jarrand lets out a hearty chuckle.

Tylthanar says: That does not surpise me that you do. It is our way to not be noticable makes what we do much easier

Solivar 's tone is flat. "She tortured him in mind and body, and has since toyed with him in a manner that cannot be described as...enjoyable."

Tylthanar says: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Tylthanar of the Silver Eye
Tylthanar bows down graciously.

Jarrand says: Silver eye you say? Sounds like I've heard of that before.

Tylthanar says: ahh, you must be speaking of Andithee

Solivar says: But she is also the last person to see Neshala Sunstriker alive and she possesses...a connection to Baranthore that neither has chosen to elucidate. I thought that she might prove useful in hunting one or both of them down.

Ayerian coughs loudly.

Solivar gaze plays slowly over Tylthanar.
Solivar says: The Silver Eye...

Jarrand says: Yes.

Tylthanar says: so would you be willing to answer a few questions for me

Solivar says: ....I would...provided you answer some of mine.

Meton says: That all depends on the matter of your inquiry.

Jarrand agrees with Meton.

Tylthanar says: I must say you do have a colorful litlegroup here

Jarrand says: Everyone is looking for something.

Tylthanar says: oh we both know what that will be on. I am sure that Dharkoth has spoken of us

Solivar says: He has.

Jarrand says: People so certain don't usually ask that many questions

Tylthanar says: they do when there are question to ask

Jarrand says: And what answers do you want?

Tylthanar says: oh many

Jarrand says: To do with your...colleague?

Tylthanar says: Has Arthas become stronger?

Leía glares angrily at Ayerian.

Leía says: arthas is dead

Jarrand says: You know as well as the rest: Arthas is dead.

Solivar says: No. He is fully contained.

Tylthanar says: yes, we thought the same

Meton says: speak of the cheap imitation.

Tylthanar says: oh he is real
Tylthanar says: there is no imitation

Solivar says: It is not an imitation. It is a splinter of *His* being that has found purchase in Dharkoth's body.

Tylthanar says: what is contained as you put it is Arthas Menethil or the Lich King whichever you which to call him
Tylthanar says: not purchase sir
Tylthanar says: He was placed in there, so he could go on

Ayerian flips his rifle around and begins to balance it in the palm of his hand.

Solivar says: It is difficult to determine. But, were I to name him, I would call him Arthas.

Jarrand says: And so you follow Arthas? Or is it Ears?

Tylthanar says: You have seen him and spoke with him and i need to know whch persona is stronger at this point

Solivar says: Does the Kirin Tor believe that they may be separated?

Tylthanar says: I am not sure who this one you call Ears is, but we follow Dharkoth

Jarrand says: Close enough; the width of a flicker of flame, you might say.

Tylthanar says: That is not for me to say

Solivar says: Very well.

Jarrand gently pats Syrenna.

Tylthanar says: so tell me, which do you think is in control?

Jarrand says: Yes, they are.

Solivar says: ....Arthas.

Jarrand says: You ask us to find half way to the middle of the forest.

Solivar says: Dharkoth predominates. But when *He* manifests at is as Arthas.

Meton says: Quick question. Who thought it would be a good idea to keep a piece of the former Lich King alive?

Tylthanar says: that would be the Lich King

Meton says: So he was in command of your organization?

Tylthanar lookst at Meton confused
Tylthanar says: what are you speaking of?

Solivar 's ice-cold glare settles on the warlock then transfers to the Silver Eye's huntsman.

Meton says: Well, I don't understand why anyone would take a piece of the Lich King and shove it into someone else.
Meton says: Doesn't seem like a good idea.
Meton says: Were you all bored?

Tylthanar says: It was his way to keep himself alive

Meton says: I'm aware of that.
Meton says: But why did your organization just do it?

Tylthanar says: You do not know of what you speak of. The SIlver Eye had nothing to do with what was done to Dharkoth

Solivar says: He speaks the truth in this, Meton.
Solivar says: Dharkoth surrendered himself to Highlord Fordring in the hopes that the Crusade and the Kirin Tor could help him.

Meton says: Oh, must have been done when he was in the Citadel then.
Meton says: Hmm, those three years seem like so long ago sometimes...
Meton says: My mistake then.
Meton says: So what is the Silver Eye's purpose?

Tylthanar says: You are a very confused person

Meton says: I've been preoccupied.

Solivar says: To make certain that what is left of the Lich King remains subordinate in that...relationship, unless I miss my guess.

Tylthanar says: To a point you are correct Sir
Tylthanar says: Dharkoth should be where he was. It will be safer for everyone
Tylthanar says: he needs to be studied, so we can find out how this was done, as well as how to possibly reverse it

Solivar says: A prisoner of the Violet Citadel, you mean?
Solivar 's gaze cools another degree or ten.

Tylthanar says: how do you study something there?

Meton says: Reversing the process would be beneficial to all of us. Although...what would happen to the essence of our old King? Would it be destroyed or placed onto someone else to contain it?

Tylthanar says: that is where those that can't be allowed among us go or if they are worse then
they are destroyed
Tylthanar says: that is not for me to say

Solivar says: Three years, Tylthanar. The Kirin Tor held him there for three years....studying him. Knowing what I do of their methods, I cannot help but wonder if that is *all* they did, given the enthusiasm with which he fled their wholesome embrace.

Tylthanar says: I would not know nor is it my place to say
Tylthanar says: I am just to find him

Meton says: Just the messenger then?

Tylthanar says: no
Tylthanar says: I will find him and then take him back where he belongs

Solivar says: Perhaps. He has absented himself from our company and hid himself well.

Tylthanar says: not for long
Tylthanar says: he will come to you sooner or later

Meton says: I imagine so.

Solivar shakes his head.
Solivar says: I doubt that most sincerely.

Tylthanar says: I do not
Tylthanar says: you know as well as I that he will come to you

Meton says: But from the sound of it, he may come to us with hostile intentions.

Solivar says: What do you desire of me, mage, if indeed he does come to me?

Tylthanar says: if what I hear is true I am sure he does not feel the love he did per say for you right now Solivar
Tylthanar says: keep him close to you, watch him, and when I deem it time to take him I will

Solivar glances away, his eyes flicking closed.

Meton says: That may be for the best Solivar.

Solivar says: You ask a great deal -- and assume I would be willing to permit this.

Tylthanar says: We of the Silver Eye need to know if he is himself or the beast
Tylthanar says: you will
Tylthanar says: you know as well as some of us do of what he was and capable of

Solivar says: Better.

Tylthanar says: as we know what you were and what you were capable of
Tylthanar stares intently at Solivar

Solivar says: ...Yes. They would know.

Meton says: Seems like they know quite a bit.

Tylthanar says: it is our duty to know

Meton says: Fair enough.
Meton says: Can't say I'm all that different. Always a good idea to have knowledge of the enemy.

Tylthanar says: any and all who were under his touch we know of as well as those now that he touched in other ways
Tylthanar says: Dharkoth was not the only one to survive what was done to him

Solivar says: I am certain he was not. There may have been dozens of channels prepared.
Solivar says: matter how few or how many...much of this is moot. Dharkoth hides himself, and from me in particular.
Solivar says: He you say...lost his trust in me.

Tylthanar says: he will be back, for he is tied to you

Solivar says: And Baranthore, of the two of them, may be in greater jeopardy.

Tylthanar says: and you will do as I ask for you wish to free him
Tylthanar says: you feel responsible for all this

Solivar says: I *am* responsible for all this!

Meton says: Solivar.
Meton says: No.

Tylthanar says: he too is being watched and has from the beginning as you all have been

Meton says: He chose to let that happen to him.

Tylthanar says: you are not responsible for the Lich king wishing to live and doing whatever was needed to accomplish that

Solivar rounds on Meton, his eyes flashing brightly, almost hotly.

Tylthanar says: you were not there when he has the Harvestor experimenting on his chosen subjects

Solivar says: He *chose* it so that it would not happen to *me.*

Meton says: That was his will.
Meton says: You forced nothing upon him.

Solivar says: It is not a matter of force.

Tylthanar says: Dharkoth never had a choice in what happened to him and you fool yourself if you think you are to blame
Tylthanar says: this we know and so do you

Jarrand says: You have an interesting view of the spirits of the dead.

Solivar says: He took that risk in my stead, huntsman. Do not attempt to tell me what I do and do not know in that.

Meton says: I know you are doing the whole, "It's all my fault." thing. I get that, believe me I do. But this is not the time to place blame on yourself.

Solivar , with visible difficulty, wrestles his temper back under control.

Tylthanar says: you are at as wise as Dharkoth made you out to be Solivar
Tylthanar says: You were Mercy, a much more evil than anything that could of happened to Dharkoth
Tylthanar says: You are also weak anyone who looks at you can see that
Tylthanar says: you would of become Mercy quickly

Tylthanar says: so says the Mage who knows who he looks at

Meton for a second has a look on his face of agreement with Tylthanar.
Meton says: *on his face*

Solivar says: ...Now is not the time for this argument.

Tylthanar says: Look close at Solivar Windspeaker Jarrand and tell me what you see

Jarrand peers at you searchingly.

Tylthanar says: I can sense the taint from here

Jarrand says: I see a Death Knight.

Tylthanar says: then you are blind

Jarrand says: We all see things differently.

Solivar 's hand comes absently to rest on his midsection, eyes dimming slightly, and shakes his head.

Tylthanar says: tell me Solivar how hard is it for you to control youself now?

Meton says: I see a brother of mine, easily the best of us. The way he always places it on himself in his actions is proof enough for me.

Tylthanar says: do you feel yourself slipping away from what you were ?

Jarrand says: You expect to get your answers still?

Solivar says: The only thing I feel slipping now is my *patience,* huntsman.

Tylthanar says: I will get my answers for Solivar knows they are the ones that need to be given and we are the only ones who can help him

Jarrand places a hand on the mage's shoulder.
Jarrand says: Surely you have come an awfully long way without a drink?
Jarrand says: And perhaps your talk parches you further?

Ayerian slides his finger down towards the trigger on his rifle.

Tylthanar says: thank you Windspeaker Jarrand, but I am not thirsty

Ayerian says: I don't know mage... you look, awfully thirsty....
Ayerian grins wickedly.

Solivar says: I think that debatable. any case...I cannot give the answers you seek now.

Jarrand says: So then, you come here for words only?

Tylthanar says: not yet, but you will
Tylthanar says: I thank you for your time
Tylthanar says: we will speak again

Leía says: what in the name of the light are they talking about?

Meton nods.

Ayerian slides his finger off the trigger slowly.

Solivar inclines his head slightly.

Tylthanar says: and remember what the Silver Eyes wishes to see we will see
Tylthanar bows down graciously.

Solivar says: Of course. Farewell, huntsman.

Jarrand says: A shame you couldn't stay longer.
Jarrand says: Perhaps we'll tell some stories together sometime...

Thasham faints at the sight of Rinalee.

Leía glares angrily at Ayerian.

Ayerian grins wickedly at Leía.
Ayerian says: Watch where you glare kid, you never know what will happen one day when someone doesn't like that glare.
Ayerian pats his rifle.

Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.

Solivar says: ...Baranthore. Northrend. Into a offense to the absent Dayari...of Forsaken serpents.

Jarrand says: seems we all search today.

Meton says: Solivar, I would like a word with you before we all head out.

Leía prays to the Gods.

Solivar says: I somehow think little good could come of that, or leaving him to sink deeper into his madness untended.
Solivar says: Of course, brother.

Ayerian hides his face from the passing guard.,
Ayerian says: So when are we heading out?

Jarrand says: The word merchant parts with his wares for free?

Ayerian says: Lets say, this might have more of an interest for me than money...

Solivar says: We will have to travel to the Undercity -- he no doubt embarked to Vengeance Landing.

Jarrand says: Then that is the path we take.

Ayerian nods.
Ayerian says: I'll meet you there then...

Solivar says: As you wish.

Ayerian grins wickedly.
Ayerian bows down graciously.

Jarrand says: Stay strong, Breeze.

Ayerian says: Chin up kid... Demons aren't the best of friends you will find out there, try to trim the blood thistle a bit, might help.
Ayerian winks slyly at Leía.

Meton says: Solivar.

Solivar says: I shall make the arrangements for the rest of us...Shall we meet in Brill?

Jarrand says: Brill is as good as any if the compass points North.

Meton says: I'll meet you all in Northrend after we part ways here. I'm sure you all won't be too hard to track down.

Solivar says: Good. I shall summon you when everything is in order.

Jarrand says: No. Your ghosts will tell you anyway.

Meton says: My ghosts?
Meton says: Oh...
Meton says: I missed this exchange between us Jarrand. Three years was too long without having discussion of ghosts.

Jarrand says: You've had company enough. But it is good to hear you speak again.

Meton says: But anyway.
Meton says: And you as well.

Solivar says: You wished to speak with me before we parted...?

Meton says: Yes.
Meton says: Come with me.

Jarrand says: Well, I go then. Best to see to the tasks of the Earthen Ring.

Meton says: Take care brother.

Jarrand waves goodbye to everyone. Farewell!

Meton says: You still blame yourself for what happened three years ago.
Meton says: You have to let that go.

Solivar says: ...This conversation sounds oddly familiar.

Meton laughs.
Meton says: I suppose so.
Meton says: Different shoes this time around eh?

Solivar says: Indeed.

Meton says: There is something I wish to show you.
Meton says: Thanks for looking after him by the way.

Solivar says: Ate me out of house and home. But it was a pleasure.

Meton says: This is my home.
Meton says: If you ever need anything at all, you come here.

Solivar blinks in surprise but nods slightly, his icy lack of expression fading around the edges.
Solivar says: I...Thank you, brother.

Meton says: You know, there is a reason I went in and tricked the King's Fist.
Meton says: I was asked by Andinthe, she almost begged me to do it.
Meton says: Not because you are weak like that mage claimed but because of what I said.
Meton says: You really are the best Death Knight I know, you somehow manage to stay on the side of good after all you have done.

Solivar says: I am no better than anyone else, Meton.

Meton says: You were *too* good for that mission.
Meton says: I don't buy it, not for a second.
Meton says: How else could you be beating yourself up for something you didn't do that happened three years ago?

Solivar says: I...
Solivar pauses, shakes his head.

Meton smiles. (For once not in a scary way.)

Solivar says: Dharkoth came to me for help, and I failed him. Time does not diminish that. If anything, the initial failure is now compounded in a betrayal -- one that broke his trust, in myself and in our brotherhood.

Meton says: When did he come to you for help?

Solivar says: When we first met. The Dark Lady herself sent him to me. And...they should really change the programming on those things, it is positively....never mind.

Meton says: Oh...I believe I was there for that.
Meton says: I promised to kill him if he lost it.
Meton says: The thing is, you tried.
Meton says: And when you could not succeed, you tortured yourself for the Light knows how long.

Solivar says: Yes. And, in the end, there was nothing I could do that he did not ultimately accomplish for himself. And *then* he threw it away for *me.*

Meton says: No. He threw nothing away.
Meton says: As far as I'm concerned, that was possibly the most heroic thing I have seen him do.

Solivar says: It was. It should not have been necessary.

Meton says: Don't let his actions go to waste brother.
Meton says: Neither was Arthas storming through my life and killing everything I loved.
Meton says: But it did.

Solivar 's eyes flick closed.

Meton says: So now I move forward and past it, looking towards the future with my weapon in hand.
Meton says: Can't change the past so we may as well fight for a better tomorrow.

Solivar says: You...have changed, Meton.
Solivar says: In the best way possible.

Meton says: I had an epiphany in battle recently. Fighting for about a month straight probably was not a good idea, even for me.

Solivar says: Well, no. Idiot.

Meton says: I collapsed when I came home, I believe to put it in Chrona's words..."She completely flipped out."
Meton says: I had the most vivid dream though...

Solivar shakes his head, and smiles -- one that is neither ironic nor a baring of teeth.

Meton says: My answer came in that dream.
Meton says: I can't change what I did, all those people I hunted and killed for fun.
Meton says: But.
Meton says: I can fight for a better tomorrow, destroy anything that comes to threaten the safety of the families of whom I caused so much pain.
Meton says: Even if Deathwing himself stands in my way, he will fall to the might of everyone I stand for!

Solivar says: ...Full circle, one might say.

Meton says: Hmm?

Solivar says: You have come full circle...protector, to destroyer, to protector.

Meton says: I don't remember protecting much of anything unless it helped me kill Arthas.
Meton says: Except for that one time, you know, when I died and all. Good thing I got better.

Solivar says: Your purpose, *paladin,* intrinsic to your very nature.

Meton says: I used the Light as a tool for my purposes, nothing more.
Meton says: Which I am sorry to say I did the same to all of you.
Meton says: I plan to make all of that up though. Just you wait and see!

Solivar says: It was a relationship of mutual felicity. No harm done.
Solivar bows from the shoulders.
Solivar says: I thank you for your offer. If I ever overcome my aversion to Silvermoon, I may take you up on it.

Meton says: Glad to hear it.

Solivar says: But for now I fear that I must go.
Solivar says: Farewell for now, brother.

Meton says: Seriously though, stop beating yourself or I'll give ya something to worry about!
Meton makes a fist in his face.

Solivar says: You can try.

Meton says: We'll see won't we?

Solivar 's smile widens a fraction.

Meton gives another smile.

Solivar says: Yes. Good night, Meton.

Meton says: Night brother.

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re: Leia's Tale

Leía lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Leía says: and i am no one
Leía looks at everyone talking, knowing that no one event notices her, she turns and walks out of the room

Tylthanar says: Is there a reason she walks around lost
Tylthanar says: it is very annoying

Rinalee says: Father, I think that girl is in distress.
Rinalee looks at Leía.

Solivar says: She is choosing to wallow her in her own misery.

Jarrand says: So she is.

Rinalee frowns.

Leía says: get away from me mutt

Rinalee says: She seems to be wallowing in her painful past.

Leía says: what else is there to do!
Leía glares angrily at Rinalee.

Rinalee says: And know I think she has grown angry at me it seems.

Thasham gazes off into the distance.
Thasham punches Rinalee's shoulder.

Leía says: can i help you

Rinalee says: I can't help but notice you being cooped up in this corner over here.

Leía says: it seems all im good for these days is ocupying space
Leía says: since im not part of their conversation im staying out of it

Rinalee says: Well... you can always sneak out.

Leía says: wanna see how invisible i am
Leía says: watch they wont even notice me leave

Solivar says: Leia.

Jarrand says: A moment.

Leía says: so close

Jarrand says: Curious creature

Leía covers her face with her palm.

Jarrand looks at Leía.
Jarrand says: Yours?

Leía says: yes
Leía says: my friend

Jarrand says: Is it?

Leía says: seems like my minions are my only friends

Jarrand says: If you choose that, perhaps.

Leía says: i dont do so well with people

Jarrand says: Then you and your "friend" have much in common.

Leía says: as i said before ive never socialized
Leía says: with people

Jarrand says: So come. Stay. Listen. People are fascinating, like the eddies of the deep waters.

Leía says: i guess i really have no choice

Jarrand says: You and Ears are of a similar kind. Perhaps you can help this Silvered Eye with what he seeks?
Jarrand says: We all have choices, even when neither is what we would choose.

Leía says: and what is it this stranger seeks

Rinalee says: I’m guessing that proved you wrong. You aren't as invisible as you think.

Leía says: that you seem to think i can help him with?

Rinalee chuckles at Leía.

Jarrand says: Knowledge, answers to questions he already knows, the usual such men search for.

Leía says: if he knows so much, how come he did not acknowledge me when he walked in

Jarrand says: The searchlight only sees what it looks at.

Leía says: you had a family right?
Leía says: so tell me what its like, ive always wondered

Jarrand says: My family, a bunch of seekers. Our clan used to be one, united under war. Then, when the blood corruption faded, we scattered, to seek the spirits again.
Jarrand says: But, family has always been as much where we come from as where we go.
Jarrand says: We are born from family and then we die to our next, ancestors willing.

Leía says: i remember very little of my family
Leía says: mostly images of smiling faces
Leía says: and elf with blonde hair and green eyes

Jarrand says: So take that with you. Even a small flame can be nursed into a bonfire.

Leía says: then nothing but fire and screaming and pain
Leía says: the pain, is greater

Jarrand says: Perhaps, fire is not your element then.

Leía says: then the vague images
Leía says: i am a destruction warlock
Leía says: fire is what i use everyday

Jarrand says: And like most fires, it burns the target and the wielder as it wishes.

Leía says: there is nothing but anger and sadness inside me
Leía says: it hurts all the time
Leía says: i dont know what to think most of the time
Leía says: when did baranthore adopt this neshala everyone is talking about

Jarrand says: Seasons ago.

Leía says: why did he adopt her
Leía says: for what reason

Jarrand says: A confluence of a good many rivers of fate led him to that choice.

Leía stares angrirly at the crystal and the fire begins to boil again
Leía says: what of his family
Leía says: didn't he have a real child

Jarrand says: Those voices are silent. But I fear one of our own needs our voices now.

Leía says: my mother told me my father was a paladin
Leía says: she told me he would always protect me
Leía says: she lied
Leía glares angrily.
Leía says: if my father loved me so much, why didn't he search for me?

Jarrand says: We have always asked our ancestors for such wisdom that mortals cannot answer.

Leía says: i know not of the things you speak of
Leía says: only whats in my head

Jarrand says: You may spend too much time there then.

Leía says: i just want my picture back
Leía says: and my father's letter
Leía says: its all i have left of my family

Jarrand says: You still have the story.
Jarrand says: One to tell for those that wish to hear.

Leía laughs.
Leía says: i live alone, i have no loved one, there is no one to listen
Leía laughs.

Jarrand says: There are ways to create those. Even the beetle can build a mountain of eath, given enough time.

Leía says: you should tell others, about the lost and lonely warlock you met, with little to no past

Leía says: my time is spent taking care of my many, many, many mounts
Leía laughs.

Jarrand says: I am not a teller of tales, Leia. I am a listener.

Leía says: fine, here is my story
Leía says: i was born to a paladin and a priest in deatholme in the ghostlands

Jarrand listens intently to Leía.

Leía says: i was raised by my mother, while my father served in the military
Leía says: father left when i was 4, and promised to return on my 5th birthday
Leía says: my home was attacked by the scourge when 2 days before my birthday
Leía says: i was taken prisoner by the cruel master of stratholme
Leía says: where i was tortured and brainwased into becoming a accolite
Leía says: i escaped and spent many years alone, trying to find my father
Leía says: i ran into a undead warlock by the name of shaixne
Leía says: who took me and and raised me as his own with his wife lillian
Leía says: years later i ran into yuenarious, a elderly tauren druid
Leía says: who treated me like his own, he introduce me to steadfast

Jarrand says: And none of these have been your family?

Leía says: a few months later, yuen died from sickness
Leía says: after shaixne took his life
Leía says: ive been alone since then
Leía says: and thats it
Leía says: with happiness there is pain
Leía says: thats why its best i remain alone, no one to hurt me

Jarrand says: Deep in the earth, it does put some barriers up.
Jarrand says: But there is time to reach out from that point.

Leía says: i thought baranthore was connected somehow to my past

Jarrand says: And perhaps he is.

Leía says: but after hearing about this daughter he loves so much

Jarrand says: But you'll not find him all alone

Leía says: now im sure hes not

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re: Ayerian's Angle

[Later that night, as Solivar makes ready to leave Silvermoon, he catches sight of a silver-white fox slinking through the streets -- and follows it out the Pilgrim’s Gate and into the under-bridge garden outside.]

Ayerian lifts the rifle and aims it towards you.

Solivar inclines a brow.

Ayerian says: Why are you after the girl?

Solivar says: A clever beast you have there, huntsman.

Ayerian grins but keeps his eyes and gun trained on you.

Solivar says: Neshala? Why would I not seek to keep her from harm? She is the daugher of my friend and comrade -- an innocent I tried to save before this.

Ayerian says: She is no daughter of any friend of yours, thief.
Ayerian slides his finger ever so close to the trigger and Syrenna growls deeply.

Solivar says: Explain that, if you would. And you may wish to instruct your companion to ware her teeth...
Solivar says: What runs in my veins is not blood.

Ayerian says: What runs through your veins are lies and empty words.
Ayerian says: I don't owe you any damn explanation until you answer why you're looking for her... what is she to you?

Solivar says: I have answered your question, huntsman. I took the girl from an abbatoir in Northrend where she had been tormented...

Ayerian says: How did she come into the care of this Paladin... why not return her to her home?

Solivar says: I hoped to bring her to a place of safety, and place her under another's protection.
Solivar 's brows knit slightly.
Solivar says: She was deeply wounded in mind when we found her -- nearly catatonic from the horror of what she had witnessed. When we finally got sense from her, she told us that she had watched as her brother was killed before her eyes -- that all her family was dead.

Ayerian lowers his gun slightly.
Ayerian says: Where did you hear that from?

Solivar says: I did not know that she had a home to return to. I do not think she knew it. I heard it from her own lips.

Ayerian says: She...
Ayerian jerks his gun back up to shoulder level.
Ayerian says: Whats your angle?
Ayerian says: What are you after anyway?

Solivar says: As I said -- I wish to find Baranthore before he is irrepairably harmed, or brings harm on others. That is my only 'angle.'
Solivar says: If Neshala lives...and I think that a substantial 'if' given the circumstances...her safety is also my concern.

Ayerian drops his gun to his side, using his free hand to pull up his mask.
Ayerian says: I want to show you something death bringer.
Ayerian gathers up his mount from the stables.

Solivar whistles for Moonshadow.

[The pair ride to a point in the hills overlooking the floating spires of Duskwither Academy.]

Ayerian says: Her father worked there.
Ayerian points over to the structure floating in the distance.
Ayerian says: Before, he left for Outland.

Solivar says: The mage-school? He was a teacher?

Ayerian says: When Kael'Thas returned to Quel'Thalas, his family would not follow him to the Outlands, and the girl and her mother remained behind.
Ayerian says: Their son, disappeared and has yet to be found, I can assume why the girl would think he was dead.
Ayerian says: The father I believe is dead now, killed in the Tempest Keep

Solivar says: Her mother?

Ayerian says: Killed, by the remnant scourge forces.

Solivar says: And so she is, in fact, alone in this world or nearly so.

Ayerian says: Not yet, the brother still lives I would assume.
Ayerian says: I know, damn well though, that wretched warlock is not the girl...

Solivar says: No. She cannot be.

Ayerian nods.

Solivar says: ...What is *your* interest in Neshala?

Ayerian says: Personal, an old friend.
Ayerian says: Not anything to concern yourself with.
Ayerian says: Just know, she is worth a lot, and from what I hear, she was in Steadfast's care... so if anything happens, you are all held accountable.

Solivar says: We will hold ourselves accountable, should any harm come to her, I assure you of that. And that we are not working at cross-purposes in this matter.

Ayerian says: When the girl is found, she will be withdrawn from your care...
Ayerian says: She does indeed have family, and you have all kept her from whats left of it for too long.

Solivar says: Perhaps what is left of her family would instead come to join *us* instead.

Ayerian says: Your order has had more deaths than naught, I wouldn't consider having any more of that family join, since clearly, you can't even hold onto those already considered members.

Solivar says: We are, in many ways, a family of choice -- oddly shaped and somewhat rough around the edges...but a family nonetheless.
Solivar says: And it is your right to make that choice for them? For *her*? What if she wishes to stay with her father -- the father who took her in and cared for her when she had nothing else in the world?

Ayerian slides his polearm from his back casually, fingering the blade.
Ayerian says: Who says she had no one?
Ayerian says: Who said, someone wasn't looking for her when you found her? Eh?
Ayerian says: Who says, that bastard has any right to call himself a father...

Solivar says: Do not evade the question. Who are you to make such a choice for her?

Ayerian says: Call me her guardian angel.

Solivar says: Where were you, guardian, when she was laying in a pool of others' blood in Northrend, waiting to die?

Ayerian says: A day behind her, clearly a day behind you as well.

Solivar says: I think, perhaps, that you make claims on another's will that you cannot enforce. Neshala has the right to make her own decisions.

Ayerian says: No, not at her age. She is still a child.
Ayerian says: And keep it in mind death knight, neither do you have the right to choose where she stays, and under whos care.

Solivar says: She is thirteen years old now, if she lives. And I do not make such a claim. The choice, in the end, belongs to neither you nor I, but to Neshala herself.

Ayerian says: I can tell you now what she will choose.

Solivar says: And what is that?

Ayerian says: She would seek out her brother, and leave everything else behind.

Solivar says: Would she? She believed her brother dead -- murdered while she was helpless to prevent it.

Ayerian says: Yes, you don't know her. If you did, you would understand.

Solivar says: It is true that I do not know her well. But I think, huntsman, that after so many years you may not know her as well as you think, either.

Ayerian says: Oh trust me I do...

Solivar 's eyes narrow a fraction.

Ayerian says: Keep what you know in mind death knight, and remember that she will not be in the care of this crazed Paladin any longer...
Ayerian says: Not after she is found.
Ayerian says: And once she is, Steadfast will take their leave from her life.

Solivar says: I fear I have even less reason to trust you than you do me. You began this conversation with an implicit threat and now declare your intention to take my comrade's daughter whether she wills it or no.

Ayerian yells: HE IS NOT HER FATHER.
Ayerian slings his polearm out towards you and Syrenna growls deeply.

Solivar says: Sticks and harsh language, huntsman?

Ayerian says: Remember my words dead man. I will be keeping my eye on you.

[The hunter fades into the undergrowth and is gone.]

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