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Joined: 12 May 2010
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re: The Great Speedboat meeting

Dayari says: This was flat before, wasn't it?
Dharkoth says: yes they are always under your feet and in the way
Dayari nods at you.
Dharkoth says: Yes, I told you some things have changed
Dharkoth says: yes Day it use to covered in sand now it is coverd in water. They use to race their speed wheels, now they race barges
Dayari says: Thought so. I've written a lot down. Easier to remember that way.
You smile.
Dharkoth says: yes it is for you
Dayari says: I should put them all together some day, make a book.
Dharkoth says: I would like to read that
Dayari says: Alright. Still a few things missing and the order's not right.
Dayari says: Goblin.
Ghiddee waves.
Dayari greets Ghiddee with a hearty hello!
You bow down graciously.
Ghiddee says: Hey there guys.
Dharkoth says: how do you feel today?
Ghiddee says: I'm feelin' a bit better, thanks.
Dayari looks to Dharkoth and speaks softly, "we know her, right?"
Dharkoth says: still feeling a bit jittery from the loss of the trinket?
Dharkoth says: Yes Day we know her
Dayari says: Alright.
Ghiddee nods a bit.
Dayari says: And you're sick or something?
Dayari looks at Ghiddee.
Ghiddee rubs the back of her neck.
Ghiddee says: No.. not exactly.
Dayari says: Oh. That's good, I think.
Dharkoth says: she had something taken from her, but that was a good thing actually
Dayari says: Do we have to steal it back?
Ghiddee frowns.
Ghiddee says: No it's gone.. don't think I'll ever get it back.
Ghiddee says a bit sadly.
Dharkoth says: No Day we do not want it back
Dayari says: So it was a bad thing?
Dharkoth says: yes it was really
Dayari says: So, why didn't you throw it away first?
Ghiddee folds her arms, looking at the inquisitive undead.
Ghiddee says: Ya got a lot of questions, don't ya?
Ghiddee says: What's ya name anyhow?
Dayari says: Not that many. I've only asked one.
Dharkoth says: She could not really. It was like that piece of candy that sticks to the roof of your mouth. He like the taste of it, but it is annoying having it there
Dayari says: My name? I'm supposed to be Dayari.
Dharkoth says: Day is a curious sort and he takes great notes
Ghiddee says: I see's.. an' dis is a friend of yours, Dhar?
Ghiddee nods.
Dharkoth says: Day is more like a brother to me
Dharkoth says: I trust him with my life and the life of those I call friend
Dayari says: But I don't think we're really brothers.
Dharkoth says: not really, but close
Dayari says: Just the kind that's a figure of speech
Dharkoth says: yes, very good Day
Ghiddee says: Hard ta tell, you undead types can look a lot alike when all decayed an' such.
Ghiddee giggles.
Dayari says: Really?
Ghiddee says: Well, to me atleast.
Dharkoth says: not at all
Dharkoth says: we all look different
Ghiddee says: Well I didn't mean anythin' bad by it.
Ghiddee says: I just ain't got a trained eye for it I suppose.
Dharkoth says: I know
Dayari says: Oh
Dharkoth says: It is something you will develope
Solivar salutes you with respect.
Ghiddee glances over to the tall, undead elf beside her, keeping quiet.
You bow before Solivar.
Dharkoth says: it is good to see you my friend you look well
Solivar bows from the neck to the assembly.
Dayari greets Solivar with a hearty hello!
Solivar says: As do you, brother.
Dharkoth says: I am sorry that I have not had the chance to see or speak with you till now, but I have been tied up
Dharkoth says: yes it seems that some of Arthas has rubbed off on me
Dayari peers at you searchingly.
Solivar makes a complicated gesture in the direction of Dharkoth's head.
Dharkoth tugs on the 2 pony tails he now wears
Dayari says: Did you steal that?
Solivar says: I...see. Not literally tied up, I do hope...
Dayari says: Looks like air-gulper hair.
Dharkoth says: No, it just grew, so very strange
Ghiddee giggles.
Dayari says: Mine doesn't grow.
Dharkoth says: Mine had not either, but it started that first year they took me.
Dharkoth says: a far off look comes over Dharkoth for a second and then he looks at Solivar
You bow down graciously.
Dharkoth says: Greeting to you Solivar
Dharkoth says: you do look well
Solivar flicks a sidelong glance at Dayari and inclines his head in greeting to Dharkoth.
Dharkoth says: One day very soon you and I have much to speak about
Dharkoth says: quickly his demeanor changes once again
Dharkoth says: it has been a tiring 3 years, but I have learned much during it
Solivar says: Yes, we must. Though...not here.
Solivar glances around, looking mildly unsettled.
Dharkoth says: I am sorry i did not mean to make you uncomfortable
Dayari says: Strange boat.
Solivar says: You have not. I am simply somewhat....
Dharkoth says: it is interesting
Ghiddee says: It's pretty marvelous, ain't it?
Solivar 's gaze rests on the young lady in their midst.
Ghiddee says: I mean, I don't like gnomes either - but they've worked together to make somethin' pretty amazin' out here.
Dayari says: Complicated and noisy.
Solivar says: I am going to stop talking before I say something to mortally embarass myself.
Dharkoth says: Ghiddee I would like you to meet Solivar. This is the one I told you much about
Ghiddee glances up at the elf and flashes a goblin smile.
Solivar bows gravely from the neck.
Solivar says: Greetings, sister.
Ghiddee says: Sister? I might got long pointy ears, but I ain't no elf, sweetcheeks.
Ghiddee says: Maybe need ta get them pretty glowin' blue eyes of yours checked.
Solivar 's lips twitch slightly but he does not quite smile.
Dharkoth says: Ghiddee is a friend I found on my travels let's say
Solivar says: My apologies, lady. I meant no offense.
Ghiddee says: Ha, none taken, shuga. Name's Ghiddee - Ghiddee Greasefuse.
Dharkoth says: Ghiddee, Solivar considers us a family is all you will get use to it and relish
Dayari says: But not a real family, more like a figure of speech.
Dharkoth says: slight laugh
Ghiddee says: Relish, huh? Like on a Rhino Dog? Mmmn..
Dharkoth says: yes once again you are correct Day
Dharkoth says: no silly girl
Ghiddee giggles.
Dharkoth says: some of us have nothing or thought we had nothing till we found Steadfast and the few their who cared
Solivar shakes his head slightly, stealing a quick glance about.
Ghiddee says: So's I know this place a bit, I'm figurin' tha bar is packed - could I go in and get you boys anything?
Dayari says: I'm not thirsty.
Dayari laughs.
Ghiddee says: Aw, you look bone-dry.
Ghiddee giggles.
Dharkoth says: Solivar relax a bit, those who hunt me are not here
Dayari says: Better that way. I don't like too much wet. Bad for the rot.
Solivar says: Are you certain of that?
Dharkoth says: red wine please
Solivar says: I thank you, lady, but nothing for me. I have found it disagrees with me rather regrettably.
Ghiddee says: An' you, mister elf?
Dharkoth says: yes Solivar I am. It seems they are searching for me in Outlands right now. I keep a very close eye on them
Ghiddee says: Ok I'll go get your wine, Dhar.
Ghiddee says: Be back in a bit.
Dharkoth says: thank you
Dharkoth says: another thing that has changed with me it seems and red apples
Solivar says: ...You actually feel the desire to eat again?
Dharkoth says: yes and I enjoy wine
Dayari says: Why?
Solivar 's eyes widen a fraction.
Dharkoth says: I think it has something to do with my guest
Ghiddee hands Dharkoth the wine he requested.
Dharkoth says: ahh, thank you my dear
Ghiddee says: Ya's welcome.
You feel a little tipsy from the Glass of Eversong Wine.
Dharkoth says: you can be such a sweet thing
Ghiddee giggles.
Ghiddee says: Thanks, hun.
Ghiddee says: I try.
Dharkoth says: why do you seem so surprised Solivar?
Solivar says: Have you noticed any other...changes?
Dharkoth says: yes
Dharkoth says: I know much more of myself, as well as him and I can feel things. Things I could not before. Thinks that I could when I had air in my lungs. I do not feel so afraid of life now
Solivar says: That is good -- though I do suspect a bit of caution is still in order.
Dharkoth says: I have also stopped my compulsion to kill those who caused this
Leia lands on the decks close by on her dragon.
You bow before Leía.
Solivar inclines his head in greetings.
Dayari waves.
Leía says: greeting
Leía says: i just got this mount last night
Leía cheers!
Ghiddee glances to the newcomers, feeling a bit nervous.
Leía says: greetings dayari, dharkoth, solivar, toxic and ghid
Leía laughs.
Dharkoth says: it seems that much has changed for me in those 3 years mostly for the good at this point and much has changed in those I see here
Dayari says: Hair's good?
Dharkoth says: greetings to you Leia it is good to see you
Solivar says: So it seems. I am glad of that for your sake, my friend.
Dharkoth says: yes Day it is, seems it is a mix of us
Leía bows down graciously.
Solivar bows before Leía.
Leía greets Solivar with a hearty hello!
Ghiddee seems to be sobering up.
Solivar bows before Toxicbabe.
Leía says: as for me
Toxicbabe bows before Solivar.
Leía says: im just rep farming now
Leía laughs.
Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.
Ghiddee moves over closer to Dharkoth, leaning up to whisper to him, /"These is people you also know?"/
Leía says: nice
Dayari says: I used to plant things.
Leía says: took me a while to dig this one up
Dayari says: I'm pretty sure. I'm good with harvesting, so I think I was good at planting.
Leía laughs.
Leía gently pats Fossilized Hatchling.
Solivar says: Perhaps we should...move to a place less...abundantly supplied with small children?
Dharkoth leans down to Ghiddee and whispers in her ear yes they are
Dayari says: Which ones are the children?
Leía says: that would be a good idea
Dharkoth says: on here that will hard to do
Solivar says: I smallest ones.
Leía says: i hear gadgetzan is nice
Dharkoth says: they are everywhere
Ghiddee says: I ain't a kid.
Leía says: the inn is huge
Ghiddee frowns.
Dayari says: There's an inn here?
Ghiddee says: I'm thirty-two, I'll have you know - just don't repeat it to anyone.
Leía says: not sure?
Ghiddee says: There's a bar. It's full of gobs and gnomsies.
Dayari says: Alright.
Leía laughs.
Solivar says: I assure you, lady, I have no doubt of your maturity.
Dharkoth says: oh my a woman who admits her age, quick look to the skies it is going to fall on us
Leía says: who was that?
Ghiddee laughs.
Dayari says: These little ones aren't children, are they?
Ghiddee says: No, they aint.
Leía says: oh wow
Solivar glances at Dharkoth, visibly astonished for a split second.
Leía says: they must really hate them
Dharkoth says: yes Solivar another thing that has changed with me
Solivar says: The *very* little ones. ::Holds his hands six inches apart::
Ghiddee says: No they's shrunk themselves with one of them gnomish devices.
Ghiddee shakes her head.
Solivar blinks at Ghiddee.
Solivar says: ....Perhaps I should have a drink after all.
Solivar shakes his head.
Dharkoth says: should we see what the bar looks like?
Ghiddee giggles.
Dayari says: Alright.
Solivar says: Why not?
Leía says: im game
Dharkoth says: lead away Ghiddee
Ghiddee says: Told ya's it was packed.
Leía says: bar looks full tonight
Ghiddee waves at Daisy.
Leía says: \shrug
Leía shrugs. Who knows?
Dayari says: And we leave the gnomes alone?
Ghiddee says: Yea, I know. Hard ta do.
Solivar says: ....I should think so.
Leía says: wow look at all the talking footballs
Leía laughs.
Solivar says: Well. If they leave *you* alone.
Dayari says: I guess so.
You nod at Solivar.
Solivar says: Is everything all right?
Dharkoth says: yes, just admiring the female dancing over there is all
Ghiddee says: Well might as well do like goblins do.
Toxicbabe seems a little tipsy from the Flask of Port.
Leía says: well
Dayari says: Admiring?
Ghiddee seems a little tipsy from the Mack's Deep Sea Grog.
Leía says: humph
Solivar blinks at you.
Dharkoth says: yes another change
You laugh at Solivar.
Dayari says: Admiring what?
Leía lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Leía says: and this is why i spend all my time alone
Solivar says: ...A drink is definitely in order.
Ghiddee is getting drunk off of Mack's Deep Sea Grog.
You laugh again at Solivar. Never mind Day
Leía seems a little tipsy from the Honey Mead.
Ghiddee laughs.
Leía says:
Ghiddee gasps.
Toxicbabe seems to be sobering up.
Ghiddee says: What'd ya guysh do?!
Dayari says: We still leave the little ones alone?
Dharkoth says: well it looks like the fun starts
Solivar seems a little tipsy from the Honey Mead.
Toxicbabe claps excitedly for Daisy.
Dharkoth says: shall we?
Leía seems to be sobering up.
Ghiddee cries out for help!
Dharkoth says: well as quick as it starts it stops
Dayari says: That was quick, wasn't it?
Solivar seems to be sobering up.
Dharkoth says: what are you screaming for Ghiddee?
Solivar says: That was easily the most alarming thing I have seen in whole minutes.
Ghiddee looks drunk.
Ghiddee is completely smashed from the Skin of Mulgore Firewater.
Leía is getting drunk off of Volatile Rum.
Dharkoth says: it was all too fast for anyone to get hurt
Dayari says: Strange place.
You laugh.
Dharkoth says: that is not what I would call a bar fight
Dharkoth says: that was a bunch of children play slap fight
Ghiddee cries.
Toxicbabe says: Playground
A sly smirk spreads across Leía's face.
Dayari says: Maybe it's different if you're small?
Dharkoth places a hand on Ghiddees shoulder
Toxicbabe laughs at Goblin Bar Patron.
Leía says:
Solivar looks arond the room with an air of intense bemusement as gnome bodies fly past him again.
Leía says: and here i wash getting bored
Leía laughs.
Dayari says: Guess they don't like each other much.
Dharkoth says: I don't know if I should just pick one or two of them up and spank them or just keep laughing
Ghiddee says: Gnomesh and goblinsh wash never meant ta work together, me thinks.
Leía says: now this ish fun ...hic!
Ghiddee gasps at Gnome Bar Patron.
Solivar says: Arly would love this in ways I cannot adequately describe.
Dayari says: Arly?
Dayari says: Do I know that person?
Dharkoth says: who?
Ghiddee says: Hey boysh ya ain't gotta fight over me!
Ghiddee says: There's enough to go around.. ...hic!
Solivar says: A sister of the Ebon Blade....a gnome sister.
Solivar says: The Terror of Ten Thousand Kneecaps.
Leía rolls on the floor laughing.
Solivar seems a little tipsy from the Flagon of Mead.
Dayari says: That's a lot of kneecaps.
Solivar says: Indeed. She would fit in here...astonishingly well, I think.
Toxicbabe says: gethem toothy
Leía says: nothing funnier then watching goblinsh and gnomes beat the crap out of each other
Leía rolls on the floor laughing at Gnome Bar Patron.
Dayari says: Is it getting empty here?
Dayari says: Oh, people are back
Toxicbabe seems a little tipsy from the Jug of Bourbon.
Dayari peers at Brute Squad searchingly.
Dharkoth says: this has got to be the funniest sight I have evern seen
Dayari says: Funny, yes.
Dharkoth says: is this really a bar fight?
Leía says: i guess so
Leía laughs.
Leía says: here comesh the hired muscle
Leía says:
Solivar murmurs quietly to Dharkoth, "I have been to speak with Tabetha."
Dharkoth says: one minute they are dancing and the next playing at fighting
Dayari says: Guess the boat isn't big enough for the two of them.
Dharkoth says: have you now?
Ghiddee looks tipsy.
Dharkoth says: did you know she was there ?
Ghiddee bursts into dance.
Dharkoth says: she watched as they poked and prodded me
Solivar says: Yes. And you are correct...there is much we need to speak about. She contacted me by circuitous means.
Solivar says: I do not know what passed between you these three years, my friend, but I think she is still concerned for your safety.
Dharkoth laughs
Dharkoth says: my safety?
Leía says: i still missh yuen ...hic!
Leía says: seem like so long ago when he died
Solivar says: Yes.
Dharkoth says: I am fine it was from them I was not safe
Solivar says: I believe she may agree on that point, as well.
Dharkoth says: oh just so you know there is another among us that has the same problem I do
Dayari says: There is?
Solivar says: The same? *Exactly* the same?
Dharkoth says: no not the same
Dharkoth says: the little dancer over there
You point at Ghiddee.
Ghiddee blinks.
Ghiddee bursts into dance.
Dayari points at Ghiddee.
Dayari says: That one?
Solivar inclines a questioning brow.
Dharkoth says: yes Day
Dayari says: I thought she lost something?
Leía stares off into the distance, thinking of the love she lost......
Dharkoth says: yes she did which is a good thing too
Ghiddee seems to be sobering up.
Leía whispers "yuen" before resting her head on her knees
Dayari says: Right, because we're not supposed to get it back.
Dharkoth says: she carried a relic of one of the old ones
Leía lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Dayari says: Those are supposed to be bad.
Leía gently pats Fossilized Hatchling.
Dayari says: Nice pet.
Leía says: thank you
Leía says: have nothing to do these days
Leía says: but dig for bones
Dharkoth says: Yes, I do like that. I take it you are a archeologist as well?
Dayari says: There are worse things to dig for.
Solivar gazes thoughtfully at the goblin woman for a long moment.
Dayari says: Like whatever the goblin lost.
Solivar says: Yes. There are...many worse things.
Ghiddee says: Hey guys, sorry. Was havin' some fun over there dancin'.
Ghiddee says: I miss anything?
Dayari says: Leia has a pet.
Dharkoth says: do not stop if you are enjoying yourself. It is very entertaining
You smile at Ghiddee.
Leía gently pats Fossilized Hatchling.
Ghiddee quietly snickers to herself.
Toxicbabe bares her teeth and snarls at Gnome Bar Patron.
Dharkoth says: excuse me for a moment I have a quick question for Leia I will be right back
Leía says: hmmm
Dharkoth says: excuse me Leia
Ghiddee says: Hm somethin' seems to be missin'.
Leía says: yes dharkoth
Ghiddee glances around and searches in her pockets.
Leía says: what can i help you with
Solivar says: Lady...if I may did you come to make Dharkoth's acquaintance?
Dharkoth says: where did you find the hatchling?
Leía says: through a old friend
Ghiddee says: I ran into him while out 'venturin'.
Leía says: unforunatly he pass a few months ago
Toxicbabe quietly snickers to herself.
Ghiddee says: At some tavern. Had some work for me.
Leía says: sir yuenarious
Leía says: the wisest druid ive ever known
Dharkoth says: I heard rumors that they could be found on certain dig sites
Leía says: what could be found?
Ghiddee says: Hasn't given me much to do lately though. Heard they needed some people on the ships to that new island they found outside Stormwind.
Leía says: their bones
Solivar nods fractionally.
Dharkoth says: yes
Ghiddee says: So, might be good money for me.
Ghiddee says: Why ya ask?
Leía says: took me a while to dig boney up
Dayari says: Another fight.
Leía says: had to search many places
Dharkoth says: I was curious upon seeing it and had to ask I hope it did not inconvience you
Leía says: you didn't
Leía says: its better then thinking about the past
Dharkoth says: to a point
Leía says: i hate bad memories
Solivar says: I have been searching for him for quite some time -- I have been...rather concerned for his well-being.
Leía says: you'll have to forgive me
Leía says: ive spent so much time alone
Dharkoth says: for?
Leía says: its hard to socialize again
Dharkoth says: i am sorry to hear that
Solivar glances in the direction of the warlock.
Leía says: you sould say im use to it
Solivar says: Has he he is now...the entire time you have known him?
Leía says: being a warlock, people kinda dont trust you
Dharkoth says: I have not been alone for so long I wonder what it would be like
Ghiddee says: Yup.
Leía says: most people try to avoid me all together
Ghiddee says: Seems fine to me, though sometimes he seems to trail off.
Dharkoth says: oh you are so correct
Leía says: haven't made many friends
Dharkoth says: such narrow minded people in this world
Leía says: i agree with that
Leía says: people fear that which they dont understand
Dharkoth says: that is what we are here for
Leía says: i know, i just dont want to be a bother
Leía says: i know you guys are busy
Solivar 's expression goes as still as a millpond.
Dharkoth says: that is something you could not be
Leía smiles.
Leía says: thank you
Leía bows before you.
Dharkoth says: remember this those like us must stick together
Leía says: i will remember that
Leía says: look in the fossil feilds
Leía says: and you will find my pet
Dharkoth says: I have found that fellow warlocks know how the rest of us feel and share that same feeling
Leía says: that is too true
Dayari says: I didn't like Warlocks.
Leía says: hello sir dayari
Dharkoth says: never feeel like the outsider with us
Leía says: well you and like everyone else
Solivar says: Lady...if I may ask this of you...would you accompany him in his travels?
Dayari says: You're different.
Dharkoth says: Day Leia and I are both Warlocks
Solivar kneels before Ghiddee.
Dayari says: Used to be they were all orcs.
Ghiddee says: Who, Dharkoth?
Leía says: sigh
Solivar murmurs against her ear, "I would be willing to reimburse you for expenses as well as a generous retainer fee."
Leía says: yes we are warlocks
Leía says: and we are powerful
Dharkoth says: yes most are
Ghiddee says: Oh I see I see.
Ghiddee says: Mm, I suppose I could.
Dayari says: Warlocks are better now that they're not just orcs.
Leía says: i think solivar likes ghid
Ghiddee says: Anythin' I should be lookin out for?
Dayari says: Used to set fire to skin.
Dharkoth says: yes that is true
Dharkoth says: Leia you will have to forgive Day, he had a run in with a very nasty Warlock that made him the way he is
Leía says: too bad i havent found someone who will be able too look past the fact that im a warlock
Leía says: its ok
Dayari says: Another warlock?
Leía says: affliction locks are nasty
Dayari says: Not the orc kind.
Dharkoth says: You will find that never changes
Leía says: destro locks save our energy for raids
Solivar murmurs, just above the level of background conversation, "I would like to know of any significant changes in personality he might experience. And if anyone other than a brother or sister of Steadfast shows untoward interest in him."
Dayari says: I save things too.
Leía says: only one who could see me as me was yuenarious
Ghiddee follows with his whispering, "Well now that ya mention it.. last night he was seemin' not himself."
Leía says: he never cared that i was a warlock
Dharkoth says: now come you know that is not true
Dayari holds up a handful of items, including [A Bit of String] and [A Strange Coin].
Solivar flicks a glance Dharkoth's way. "How so?"
Dharkoth looks at Day with a confused look
Dharkoth says: Day what ya got there?
Dayari says: Some things I found.
Dharkoth says: gifts?
Dayari says: No, I think I'm supposed to keep them.
Dharkoth says: I am sure you are
Ghiddee "He started spurtin' off some stuff, talkin' about some boy, couldn't tell if he was referrin' to himself or not.."
Leía hangs her head dejectedly.
Leía says: you look like him dhark
Dharkoth says: Leia you need to learn something it took me a long time to learn
Leía says: you look like shaixne
Leía says: and what is that sir dharkoth?
Dayari says: I have a note about him.
Leía says: shaixne took his life
Leía says: he is buried next to his wife
Dayari says: Why?
Leía says: outside brill
Leía says: couldn't live with the pain anymore
Dharkoth says: that is simply that life is too short and we need to live it
Leía says: live?
Solivar 's eyes narrow slightly
Dayari says: What pain?
Dharkoth says: yes live
Leía says: hmmm
Leía says: shaixne was crazy
Solivar says: ...A boy...
Leía says: the demons in his head drove him too it
Solivar says: Thank you, lady.
Dharkoth says: no he really was not
Leía says: he just let them live
Leía says: win
Leía says: sorry
Ghiddee says: Yup sorry I can't tell ya more. I had a lapse myself last night too, so they say.
Leía says: i just found him dead one day
Ghiddee says: All I know is I woke up and now I feel like something dreadful is missing.
Dayari says: People always talking about things in their heads. Best to keep it quiet.
Leía says: went to check on him
Leía says: and he was gone
Leía says: your not a warlock
Leía says: you wouldn't understand
Solivar smiles wryly, and nods. "I am not above...lapses, either. Dreadful?"
Leía says: each demon has its own voice
Leía says: and they wont shut up sometimes
Dharkoth says: and a few more
Ghiddee says: Somethin' bad is happenin'.
Dharkoth says: it is what we learn to deal with
Leía says: i do
Leía says: but as for shaixne
Leía says: well he just couldn't anymore
Dharkoth says: he is in a better place now
Ghiddee says: I can't put my finger on it, but somethin' is tellin' me to go out with that ship to the island.
Leía says: that he is
Ghiddee says: And I can't shake this really bad feelin'.
Leía says: yuenarious is buried in mulgore
Dharkoth says: and we should have a drink to him
Ghiddee says: Never got it before, honestly.
Leía says: died from a sickness back in march
Leía says: im glad they both have found peace
Dharkoth says: then we have lost 2 good ones and they both deserve to be drank to
Leía says: a drink to them
Dayari says: ahh
Dharkoth says: come
Solivar says: I am not so certain that is wise, lady. At least not for the two of you alone.
Ghiddee says: Wells, I already signed up.
You feel a little tipsy from the Glass of Eversong Wine.
Ghiddee says: I could ask him to go with me, but I dunno if he will want to.
Dayari says: Noisy little things.
Leía says:
Dharkoth says: a Drink to those we lost and those we took. May they find peace
You raise a drink to Daisy. Cheers!
Leía says: here'sh too shaixne and yuenarious, may they both be remember for the great men they were
Solivar says: Would you -- ::ducks to avoid flying goblin bodies:: -- object to me accompanying you on your journey?
Ghiddee says: Why's ya feel ya need to?
Ghiddee says: I mean, I'm sure I'll be fine. I just got this feeling I'm needed out there.
Dharkoth places a hand on Solivars shoulder
Leía says: i wonder ...hic!
Dharkoth says: I do hope you two are done talking about me now
Leía stares off into the distance
Leía says: if i'll ever find shomeone like yuen
Leía hangs her head dejectedly.
Solivar says: I do not disparage your skills or calling, lady -- I do, however, consider it mine to attend the safety of my brothers and sisters.
Solivar smiles wryly over his shoulder at Dharkoth.
Leía says: its getting crazy in here
Dharkoth says: there is that mother hen coming out again
Dayari says: There's a chicken here?
Ghiddee says: I think Gadgetzan mighta been a good choice, heh.
Leía says: ...hic!
Solivar looks at Dayari and covers his face with his palm.
Leía says: day
Ghiddee says: These guys is roudy.
Leía says: thatsh not what he ment
Dayari says: Oh, I thought he said something about a hen.
Dharkoth says: just a bunch of little kids playing mostly it seems
Leía greets Kamblum with a hearty hello!
Leía says: oh not again
Leía lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Dharkoth says: no Day just a mother hen
Leía says: stupid worgen
Leía says: gotta stir things up
Solivar says: ...A figure of speech, Dayari.
Dayari says: Worgen...we're supposed to kill those, I'm pretty sure of that.
Leía says: wow
Dharkoth says: yes Day we are
Leía seems to be sobering up.
Leía says: thats one big bag of bones
Dayari eyes Mr. Grubbs up and down.
Leía gently pats Fossilized Hatchling.
Leía says: pet biscuts
Dayari looks at Ghiddee.
Leía says: had the wrong effect
Leía says:
Ghiddee questions Dayari.
Dayari says: So, you're here for something?
Dayari says: Dharkoth has me confused.
Ghiddee says: Whatcha mean?
Solivar eyes the Brute Squad with visible distaste.
Solivar says: What...are...those things?
Ghiddee says: Those is hobgobs
Dayari says: Says you lost something, but you don't want it back. But you've got to be here for something.
Ghiddee glances about.
Solivar blinks at Ghiddee.
Ghiddee says: Yeah I apparently lost somethin'.
Dayari says: And you don't want it back?
Ghiddee says: I don't remember what it was..
Ghiddee lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Dayari says: How do you know you lost it then?
Ghiddee says: He says i did.
Ghiddee says: And I got this feelin.
Ghiddee says: Somethin's missin'
Dayari points at you.
Dayari says: Him?
Ghiddee says: Yup.
Dharkoth says: my dear are you speaking of the trinket?
Ghiddee shrugs. Who knows?
Solivar says: Trinket?
Ghiddee says: I can't remember.
Ghiddee says: But.. I'm goin out tomorrow on the boats from Bladefist Bay.
Dayari says: Will you find out what it was then?
Dharkoth says: you are much better off without it
Ghiddee says: I dunno.
Ghiddee says: I just can't stop thinkin' about goin'.
Dayari says: So go
Ghiddee says: It's makin' me restless.
Leía says: i'll probably be in the outlands for the next week
Dharkoth says: I warned you that it would be like that
Leía says: got somethings i need to tie up
Ghiddee says: Warned me of what?
Ghiddee says: I dunno what you is talkin' about, Dhar.
Ghiddee rubs the back of her head, obviously having really forgotten.
Dharkoth says: that it would be like that once you lost the relic
Dayari says: Can't think of the last time I lost something.
Dayari says: No, wait.
Ghiddee raises her eyebrow inquisitively at you.
Dayari says: I was standing in Brill, staring at the gaslights, when I dropped a...a something.
Dharkoth says: come now dear do you not remember the other nite at all?
Dayari says: I'm pretty sure I had something then.
Ghiddee tells you NO. Not going to happen.
Ghiddee says: Nope.
Solivar 's mouth twitches uncontrollably for a moment.
Dharkoth says: that does not surprise me at all my dear
Solivar says: Brothers...lady...I fear that I must go....
Dayari says: Too bad.
Dharkoth says: understandable
Solivar takes Ghiddee's hand and bows low over it.
Dharkoth says: we will talk soon Solivar much needs to be said and told to you
Solivar says: It has been my pleasure and honor to make your acquaintance, lady.
Dharkoth says: fare thee well
Solivar says: If you require any assistance that I may offer, you need only ask it.
Ghiddee blushes, "Aw, well all the same, sweetcheeks. I'll run into ya soon enough, I'm sure
Dharkoth says: yes you will
Ghiddee slips her hand in her pocket a moment.
Solivar rises and offers a bow from the neck to Dayari and Dharkoth.
Dayari waves goodbye to Solivar. Farewell!
Solivar says: When would be best for you, Dharkoth, and where? We have, I fear, put this meeting off for far too long as it is...
Dharkoth says: it is best if in places like this with many around or I will find a spot for us to speak in privacy and let you know
Solivar nods slightly.
Solivar says: By all means...the place should be of your choosing. I shall make myself available.
Dharkoth says: very well
Solivar says: Farewell for now.
Dharkoth says: be well my friend
Dayari says: I thought you left, Solivar.
Solivar says: I have.
Dayari says: Oh
Solivar smiles wryly and bows out.
Ghiddee hm's softly to herself.
Dayari says: So, Ghiddee, you were in Brill when you lost it?
Ghiddee searches you for something.
Leía says: what did i miss
Dharkoth says: it is just Day
Ghiddee says: I.. I cant remember.
Leía says: had to take boney out
Dharkoth says: No Day she did not loose it in Brill
Dayari says: You know where she lost it?
Dharkoth says: yes
Dharkoth says: it is destroyed not lost
Leía looks between dharkoth and dayari, relising she is being ignored, turns and walks out of the bar
Dayari says: And she's better off for it.
Dayari says: Did the other warlock leave?
Ghiddee says: Seems so.
Dharkoth says: yes, she has a lot on her mind and does not know how to deal with it yet
Dayari says: Alright.
Dharkoth says: I should speak with her on this
Dayari says: Maybe she lost something too?
Dharkoth says: she did
Dayari says: People lose a lot of things...
Dharkoth says: yes Day they do some more than others
Dayari says: Ahh
Dayari says: Maybe we should go look for some of them.
Dayari says: No.
Dayari says: Wait, Ghiddee's was bad.
Dayari says: Who gave it to her?
Ghiddee coughs a bit.
Ghiddee says: I don't remember who did.. I don't think Dharkoth knows either.
Ghiddee says: I don't remember a lot of things.
Dayari says: I write things down. Helps me to remember.
Dharkoth says: I do remember it and the conversation with the dead one they are such a pathetic bunch
Dayari says: Which dead one is that?
Dharkoth says: one of the old gods
Ghiddee glances to Dharkoth.
Dayari says: Ahh. Those are supposed to be trouble, I think.
Ghiddee says: Ya think ya should be talkin' about those guys?
Dayari says: What happens if you talk about them?
Dharkoth says: yes my dear that relic was what they hoped would help keep control over you, but they are foolish, arrogant, self imporant bunch
Ghiddee nods a bit.
Dharkoth says: and very pathetic and desperate
Ghiddee stretches a bit and yawns.
Dharkoth says: yes it is getting late
Ghiddee says: Anyways, I should probs be gettin ready to head off for that trip.
Dayari says: Probably
Dharkoth says: yes my dear you should
Dharkoth says: if you hear anything let me know
Ghiddee says: I will.
Ghiddee says: An' if ya hear from that shaman ya know.. tell him I'll have to get with him when I'm back from my trip.
Dharkoth says: yes you should speak with him as soon as you get the chance. He would know more of the influence that they might hold on you
Ghiddee nods.
Dayari says: I guess I'm going to go dig in the dirt.
Dayari salutes you with respect.
Dayari waves goodbye to Ghiddee. Farewell!
Ghiddee waves goodbye to Dayari. Farewell!
Dharkoth says: he takes getting use to Ghiddee, but you can not ask for a better person to watch your back
Ghiddee says: He seems well.
Ghiddee says: Oh.
Ghiddee says: Before I go.
Dharkoth looks at you curiously, yes?
Ghiddee hands you a strange little device.
Dharkoth says: what did you find?
Dharkoth looks at it curiously
Ghiddee says: This thing is pretty easy ta use, I made it myself.
Ghiddee says: It's a communication device.
Dharkoth says: really?
Ghiddee says: When ya use it, you will be able to see me, and me you.
Ghiddee says: Yup
Dharkoth says: how?
Ghiddee reaches over and presses a button on the device and it makes a soft buzzing sound as it produces a hologram image of herself infront of him.
Dharkoth blinks a bit startled at first then chuckles
Ghiddee says: I got the idea when I had to use somethin' similar to talk with a dwarf.
Dharkoth says: how very interesting, now tell me how hard are these things to make?
Ghiddee says: Well I worked on 'em for a bit. They ain't perfect or anythin', maybe some bugs in 'em still but I think they will work.
Ghiddee says: This way, if'n ya worry bout me or whateva, you can check on me easy.
Dharkoth says: they might be very useful for us. if it is possible could you make one of these for Solivar and Day as well?
Ghiddee says: And I don't gotta make ya get ya bones all soggy.
Ghiddee says: Yeah I will work on it once I am back from my trip.
Dharkoth says: oh my dear be careful, I may check on you more than you realize
You grin wickedly at Ghiddee.
Ghiddee snickers at you.
Ghiddee says: Well, okay okay.. not sure why ya worry 'bout me so much..
Ghiddee says: I ain't nothin' special.
Dharkoth says: you and I share something similar
Ghiddee says: I suppose so.
Ghiddee says: If what you say is true.
Ghiddee says: But if it is true...
Ghiddee shudders.
Dharkoth says: yes my dear you know it is true. you will remember just be preapared when you do
Ghiddee says: I seem to have forgotten so many things lately..
Dharkoth says: that is to be expected. They kept you in a cloud
Dharkoth says: your eyes are somewhat clear now
Ghiddee says: Yeah, maybe.
Ghiddee says: But. If they is real and such.. I fear they may not be done with me yet.
Dharkoth says: no they are not they will always try to crawl back in
Ghiddee says: Well guess we will have to wait and see what happens.
Dharkoth says: yes we will. this toy of yours will help greatly if YOU need me
Ghiddee nods.
Ghiddee says: Well I'mma grab a flight off the barge and head back to Orgrimmar.
Ghiddee says: Think I'll stay at the Broken Tusk til the ship leaves.
Dharkoth says: fare thee well my dear
Ghiddee says: Take care, hon
You bow before Ghiddee.
Ghiddee bows before you.
Ghiddee waves goodbye to everyone. Farewell!
Dharkoth says: yes the bones are calling to me

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re: The Great Speedboat meeting

Hmm...someone after Dharkoth. Now I think the question is if one of those people who did those things to our beloved bard has managed to infiltrate and betray Steadfast. If so, it could be anyone in our ranks with the exception of Dharkoth and Meton; according to Jarrand anyhow.
Guardian - Lore Master

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re: The Great Speedboat meeting

Oh, man. Wait 'till Dhark and I are finished cleaning last week's logs.

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