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Joined: 12 May 2010
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re: Breaking chains

Dayari says: Place looks different...
Solivar says: But given recent events, and Baranthore's current...debility...I thought it wise to request the assistance of the Crusade in this endeavor.
Solivar says: I have craved an audience with Highlord Fordring -- he awaits us.
Leía shrugs. Who knows?
Dharkoth looks curiously at Solivar
Dayari says: Isn't there a reason why we wouldn't want Dharkoth to do that?
Leía stares off into the distance.
Dharkoth says: Solivar what is going on with you? What did that crazy guilty bastard do to you?
Solivar glances around, one hand straying absently to his forehead, and then back down again.
Leía scratches herself. Ah, much better!
Leía laughs.
Dayari says: Did you tell a joke?
Leía says: had an itch
Leía smiles.
Solivar says: It is of no significance -- not now, at any rate.
Dayari says: Oh. I thought you laughed at a joke. I wasn't sure if you did.
Leía says: its quiet alright
Myxx says: 2 orcs walk in a bar?
Dayari chuckles at Myxx.
Leía says: im just curious as to why we are here?
Leía shrugs. Who knows?
Solivar glances sidelong at Leia.
Dayari says: Didn't you tell us to come here?
Leía says: no
Dharkoth says: Solivar what are we doing here?
Leía says: i was asked to come here
Dharkoth says: what does he have to say to us?
Leía says: can't understand why though
Dayari says: Are you sure you didn't ask us to come here?
Leía stares Myxx down.
Leía says: nope
Solivar says: As I said...the Crusade stands ready to aid us -- but we must speak with Highlord Fordring. In truth...I suspect he has some concerns regarding Baranthore as well.
Leía says: i recieved a letter from solivar
Leía says: asking me to meet everyone here
Solivar says: And, for now, in this, the Argent Eye is...looking elsewhere.
Leía says: is it just me or is that a human
Leía points at Korlan.
Myxx says: i got a letter saying something about needing help so i brought food
Solivar says: For the time being -- but we must make haste.
Dharkoth says: then go
Leía is hopelessly lost.
Solivar says: Shall we?
Myxx says: whats wrong Solivar?
Leía says: hmmm?
Solivar pauses for a moment, gripping the balustrade tightly, his eyes squeezed closed.
Solivar shakes his head, a short, sharp motion, and continues on.
Leía says: whats up with him?
Dharkoth places a hand on Solivar's shoulder and leans close, "What is wrong with you?
Myxx says: im not liking this
Leía shrugs. Who knows?
Solivar says: ....I have...too many memories of this place tonight.
Leía gently pats Luckÿ.
Dayari peers at Andinthe searchingly.
Leía says: who in the world is that?
Leía points at Andinthe.
Andinthe nods at Highlord Tirion Fordring.
Dayari says: Can't remember if that one's Scourge or Not-Scourge.
Andinthe says: Steadfast.
Dharkoth looks at Andinthee and nods
Leía says: she gives me the creeps
You nod at Andinthe.
Andinthe glancs over at Leía.
Myxx says: I am staying back here...
Dayari says: Who are they?
Luckÿ whistles at Andinthe.
Leía says: ditto
Solivar inclines his head in greeting.
Leía says: im not going anywhere near her
Andinthe says: It has been some time Solivar..
Andinthe says: I have... heard... of your recent encounters with our old friend..
Andinthe says: Most troubling....
Dharkoth says: you should know, since you caused it
Andinthe laughs.
Solivar says: Yes. I do not know if he is mad...
Andinthe says: He is, in a way.
Leía says: i remember that sword
Solivar says: ...Or under the influence of external forces....
Andinthe says: Yes, my actions may have caused it but there was no other way...
Leía says: a man, not him someone different
Leía says: hmmm
Dharkoth says: tell that to Baranthore when you see him if you live long enough
Solivar says: But he is a danger to himself. And others.
Andinthe says: Exactly, and I will Dharkoth, as I told you before.
Leía closes her eyes as memories beging playing in her head
Dharkoth says: and I warned you as well what to expect
Andinthe says: First, his daughter must be relocated, and it should be discovered what item drove him so mad.
Leía says: Alexandros
Leía says: that use to be his sword
Dayari ponders Andinthe's actions.
Leía shrugs. Who knows?
Dharkoth says: the item is something I have seen before and even have one myself
Andinthe says: You were insane to begin with, it would hardly have any effect on you I would assume.
Andinthe quietly snickers to herself.
Dharkoth says: what is your excuse?
Andinthe says: I need none for I am still sane...
Solivar glares ice-cold death at Andinthe.
Solivar says: That is debatable.
Dharkoth says: yes sane, just a cold hearted bitch, who was willing to use a child to get what she wanted
Andinthe grins wickedly.
Leía shivers as a chill runs down her spine at the sight of the new comer
Dayari says: Hunh.
Andinthe says: True, but I still work for the greater good.
Dharkoth says: do you?
Solivar says: What is the object she speaks of, Dharkoth?
Andinthe says: Why else would I be here...
Dharkoth says: That is a good question and you did not see Baranthore
Andinthe says: I don't need to, I know what losing someone does to you, Dharkoth..
Dharkoth says: It is called the Highborne soul mirror
Dharkoth says: did you loose a child?
Andinthe says: I lost a brother.
Dharkoth says: there is a difference
Myxx says: People going insane, Baranthore actually dangerous.... ok i dont know what he got himself into but if Baranthore is the person i think he is we dont have time to discuss matters this long lets get to work where is his daughter.
Andinthe nods at Myxx
Leía begs Myxx. How pathetic.
Andinthe says: Dharkoth, how can there be so many fragments of the mirror?
Dharkoth says: it is a mirror and each fragment holds a bit of the power
Dayari says: Broken mirror?
Solivar says: ...Like the mirror we found in Atal'Hakkar.
Leía lets a single tear slip down her face as she whispers " father"
Dharkoth says: yes
Andinthe says: Hmmm...
Andinthe says: I caught wind that you march on Stratholme... why?
Solivar glances over his shoulder at the warlock cowering in the doorway.
Andinthe looks up towards Leía.
Solivar says: Our sister has a problem that resides there.
Dharkoth says: one of our own needs freed
Andinthe says: What kind of a problem....
Solivar says: We are going to behead it for her.
Andinthe says: Ahh...
Andinthe says: That kind of problem...
Leía backs into the corner as the death knight approaches her
Solivar says: Yes.
Andinthe says: Yep, she's crazy alright..
Myxx starts cooking in one of the braziers to get ready for the fighting to com
Dayari says: Removing heads is a good idea: makes things quiet, usually.
Andinthe nods at Dayari.
Solivar says: Lady...please join us. Andinthe will do you no harm.
Leía says: if you'll forgive me, i dont trust strangers
Andinthe lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Dayari says: Strangers sometimes stab, good idea.
Dharkoth says: she is not to be trusted
Leía says: you remind me of one of my prosures
Dayari points at Andinthe.
Dayari says: Her?
Leía says: yes
Myxx says: i dont trust anyone yet.... I have not known any of you long enough.
Andinthe says: Why so contemptuous Dharkoth? What did I ever do to you?
Andinthe grins wickedly.
Dharkoth says: yes her Day, you remember her chasing us? You should of seen her as she tortured me. She so relished it
Solivar says: is not the time to play these games.
Dayari says: So we should take off her head?
Leía says: im not going to let that monster brain was me
Leía says: he paid her to bring me back
Dharkoth says: Oh you don't know how nice that might feel
Leía says: her and that undead friend
Solivar says: *What?*
Leía glares angrily at Andinthe.
Dayari says: For her?
Dayari says: Most people like their heads attached.
Andinthe rolls her eyes.
Leía laughs.
Solivar glances between the two.
Andinthe says: If someone had sent me to retrieve you, little girl... you would already have been, retrieved... I have no business with you.
Dharkoth says: Leia who is it that we search for there?
Dayari stares at the Death Knight's neck.
Dayari says: Small...
Leía says: one death knight to another looks the same to me
Leía glares angrily.
Andinthe says: I am no Death Knight little girl...
Andinthe says: And you best keep that in mind.
Leía says: no offense solivar
Solivar says: None taken.
Leía says: you can be trusted
Dayari mutters to himself "I am no Death Knight..."
Solivar smiles wryly.
Leía says: she on the other hand
Dayari says: I'm no little girl death knight either.
Leía says: try anything with me and i'll feed you to my doomgaurd
Dharkoth says: Andinthee, stop trying to play your little bully game it is not becoming of you little one
Myxx says: who are we looking for in Scolomance?
Solivar says: She is...what she is. Neither a true friend, nor the enemy she once was. And you are correct, brother -- we are wasting time.
Dharkoth says: SHE will always be an enemy
Leía says: where is baranthore?
Leía hangs her head dejectedly.
Dharkoth says: Solivar does she have to come with us?
Solivar says: Leia...I do not think even she knows the answer to that question. The more important one who do we hunt in Stratholme?
Dharkoth says: I see no need for her to be going with us. She is nothing to us or Steadfast
Dayari says: So why is she here?
Leía says: the monster that is trying to brainwash me
Leía says: time to kill my old master
Dharkoth says: to play the thorn in my side nothing more
Dayari nods at Leía.
Andinthe says: Who is your master, little girl...
Andinthe says: Titles are little without a name to it...
Leía says: the lord of stratholme hiding behind his undead monsters
Leía says: i will have my revenge for what he did to my home!
Leía roars with bestial vigor. So fierce!
Andinthe says: Well, why are we wasting time then?
Solivar says: ...Let us go.
Dharkoth says: no one asked you
Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.
Solivar says: Andinthe...walk with me.
Andinthe nods at Solivar.
Leía says: easy there dharkoth
Myxx says: you all take to long...
Leía says: im on your side
Myxx runs ahead to clear the way
Dayari looks down at Gakpep
Dharkoth says: yes Solivar walk with my torturer
Dharkoth walks out
Leía says: i say feed her to the doomgaurd and be done with it
Leía laughs.
Leía grins wickedly.
Leía laughs.
Leía says: well there you are
Leía says: is something wrong
Leía says: i know you hate her
Leía says: more then i hate that monster
Leía says: come
Leía says: lets us leave this place
Dharkoth says: she was my jailer and torturer
Leía says: and he destroyed my home, killed my mother and enslaved me
Leía says: he tried to turn me into a mindless servent
Dharkoth says: we will deal with him
Leía says: needless to say i know how you feel
Dharkoth says: no you do not
Leía says: when this is over, she will pay too
Leía says: please come with me dharkoth
Leía says: your the only one who can help me find my father
Dayari says: There you are.
Dharkoth says: yes
Dharkoth says: I could not stay with her there
Leía says: lets go then
Leía says: the others are waiting
Dayari says: Others?
Dharkoth says: the let us go to your masters home
Myxx says: come on in dharkoth get in there
Myxx says: they are all inside go catch up
Dharkoth says: Lucky you go I will stay here with Myxx
Dharkoth says: will give me a chance to chat with Myxx about some things
Myxx says: like what Dharkoth?
Dharkoth says: you for one
Myxx says: Aha i see.
Myxx lets out a hearty chuckle.
Myxx says: nevermind here they are
Leía says: hail brothers
Myxx says: hail
Leía says: we bring you good news
Dayari says: There you are.
Leía says: he is dead
Leía says: and i am finally free
Leía cheers!
Leía blushes.
Leía says: sorry
Myxx says: that is good news indeed.
Leía says: so what have you two been talking about in our absense
Solivar says: Dharkoth.
Leía says: so where too now friends
Dharkoth says: I have nothing to say to you right now Solivar, so do not bother
Leía says: lead the way sir dharkoth and i will follow
Leía salutes you with respect.
Dharkoth says: IS everything taken care of for Leia?
Leía says: yes it is
Leía says: now i can finally find my father
Dharkoth says: then it is time for me to leave
Leía says: dharkoth
Leía says: please dont go
Dayari says: You should write it down for us...maybe we could look for him too?
Myxx says: she likes you Dhark dont leave her.
Dharkoth says: I do not wish to be here right now and in the company I am in
Myxx lets out a hearty chuckle.
Leía says: i think our affected friend barathore can help
Leía says: but we need your help dharkoth
Solivar says: Dharkoth...stay.
Dharkoth says: then go help him
Leía looks between the two, sigh she says "dillydally shillyshally"
Dayari says: Who are we helping now?
Solivar says: She needs the wisdom of a teacher and a brother now -- you cn give her that.
Leía taps her foot. Hurry up already!
Dharkoth says: Myxx I will see to getting you some help
Leía says: dilly dally, shilly shally
Myxx says: now is not the time baranthore needs out help now
Dayari says: I don't know what that means.
Leía says: its means, its time to let go of the past
Dayari says: Easy.
Solivar says: Farewell, Lady. I am...grateful that you have found the peace and freedom you sought.
Leía says: my mom use to say it to me when something was bothering me
Leía says: maybe you should listen dharkoth
Dayari waves goodbye to Solivar. Farewell!
Leía says: first off we need to find baranthore
Dayari says: He's the one with all the armor that's not Solivar?
Dayari says: Rude. Loud.
Leía says: HEY!
Leía smacks Dayari upside the head.
Dayari says: What?
Leía says: dont insult him!
Dayari says: I didn't think I was.
Leía laughs.
Myxx says: 19 Pound Lobster anyone?
Leía says: you were, but its ok, he is kinda loud and annoying
Luckÿ says: I like lobster.
Myxx says: here you go
Leía says: i spent so long running from the past
Dharkoth says: I am glad you are free Leia
Luckÿ thanks Myxx.
Leía says: i just wish i knew where my father was
Leía says: lucky
Myxx says: not a problem lucky and what is your fathers name
Luckÿ says: Very good lobster
Leía says: do you still have the letter i gave you
Myxx says: caught it in the bat of storms. and i didnt get a letter.
Luckÿ says: The letter and photo is now in Baranthores possesion
Leía says: WHAT!
Leía says: now we have to find him!
Dayari says: Find who?
Luckÿ says: You asked me to give them to him, remember?
Leía says: baranthore
Leía says: he has the only clues to my fathers identity
Dharkoth says: who knows where he is
Leía looks pleadingly towards dharkoth
Dayari says: We could listen for him. He yells a lot.
Myxx says: i could ask the spirits
Dharkoth says: you could try
Leía says: anything will help
Dharkoth says: I would say he might be at his happy chapel
Dayari says: Happy chapel?
Leía says: its a long story
Leía covers her face with her palm.
Dayari says: Someone should write it down.
Myxx says: spirit of fire hear my call help us find Baranthore thin and tall earth my friend its time again to help us cross the land we trend
Myxx says: he is on the other continent at the moment thats all the spirits can give me.
Dayari says: That's where the chapel is?
Myxx says: if i was stronger i could pull on the air and water to help locate him further
Leía says: thank you for trying
Dharkoth says: I do not know where he is nor if we will find him
Dharkoth says: all we can do is check the chapel
Dharkoth says: it is a large world
Dayari says: On the other continent?
Leía says: lets go then
Dharkoth says: ready Myxx
Myxx says: yes sir
Dharkoth says: head for the enclave
Myxx says: which way im not used to these parts?
Dayari says: North?
Dharkoth says: I do not know only been there once
Dayari says: Told you North
Dayari says: Nice place
Leía says: cant remember the last time i was here
Dayari says: You should write things down. Helps to remember.
Leía says: ha ha
Leía says: very funny
Leía says: this place has changed so much
Dayari says: Scourge
Leía says: when did this wall go up?
Leía says: yeah scourge
Leía kneels down.
Leía prays to the Gods.
Leía says: so many lives, gone
Leía hangs her head dejectedly.
Dayari says: Was that Baranthore?
Dayari says: I dunno, someone was yelling.
Leía gasps.
Leía says: what have they done?!?
Leía cries.
Luckÿ says: Little Myxx keeps scampering off, he's such a playful thing...
Myxx says: jeez guys hurry up or there wont be one left for you
Leía looks around, her eyes widening in shock
Dayari says: One what?
Myxx says: oh its NOT suppoed to be filled with undead?
Dharkoth says: curiousity killed the cat and maybe the Gob too
Dayari says: Me neither.
Leía says: my home use to be back there
Myxx says: i do i was here last week some guy needed a book from here
Leía points over yonder.
Myxx says: watch out for the cultist though they are mean
Leía says: undead flith
Dayari says: Really?
Leía says: not you
Leía says: the scourge
Dayari says: I don't like them either.
Leía says: that building is standing where my home use to be
Dayari says: I think your home isn't there anymore.
Myxx says: ill check inside
Leía says: hard to tell anymore
Myxx says: hope that wasnt an undead version of your dad
Dharkoth says: Leia you will find nothing of yours here
Leía picks up a small locket from the floor
Leía says: mom
Dayari says: This place looks familiar. Did we go back to the burning place?
Leía prays to the Gods.
Leía says: it belonged to my mother
Leía lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Leía says: this place was my home
Leía says: now nothing is left but death
Leía stares off into the distance.
Leía says: what happened to this place
Leía hangs her head dejectedly.
Dayari says: I thought you said it was the Scourge?
Dharkoth says: scourge
Leía says: all monsters
Leía says: all dead
Dharkoth says: this place is no more
Myxx says: hey we are here and we are not dead Happy
Dayari says: We aren't?
Leía says: this isn't home anymore
Myxx says: nope your just confused
Dharkoth says: you did not need to come here to know that
Myxx says: undeath is a state of confusion between life and death
Leía pulls the locket from her pocket, she stares at it for a short while before returning it to her pocket
Dayari says: I get confused sometimes.
Myxx says: you ill eventually go one way or the other
Leía prays to the Gods.
Dayari looks at Leía.
Dharkoth says: not at all Day
In quiet contemplation, Leía mourns the loss of the dead.
Leía says: no more
Myxx says: never let me have any fun
Dharkoth says: it is time to leave here
Myxx pouts at everyone around him.
Leía nods.
Leía says: lets go, i could really use a drink
Leía says: then its off to find my father
Leía says: but i fear i must do this alone
Leía says: im sorry
Dharkoth says: then good luck to you in that
Myxx offers leia a Hair of the Dog
Leía says: before i leave
Leía says: lets head to silvermoon
Leía says: they have the best booze around
Dayari says: Pillows there.
Leía laughs.
Myxx says: if you dont come back can i have your riding tiger?
Dharkoth says: you all go
Dayari says: What about you?
Dharkoth says: I have thinking to do
Leía says: nah fluffy is coming with me
Leía laughs.
Dayari says: Quiet is good for thinking.
Myxx says: Ok had to ask cause they are so cute
Leía says: farewell sir dharkoth
Myxx bows before you.
Leía says: perhaps we will meet again
Dharkoth says: fare thee well and i am happy you are free
Leía says: then you'll be able to meet my father
Myxx says: if not we draw straws for her stuff
Dharkoth says: Day before you leave i need to speak with you in private
Leía says: i have you all to thank for my freedom
Leía says: i shall await you all in silvermoon
Myxx says: not me i was useless
Myxx pouts at Nerubis Centurion.
Dharkoth says: let us go
Dayari says: What was that about? Some crying elf?
Dharkoth says: Day I need you to keep an eye on Solivar
Dayari says: I do?
Dharkoth says: yes you do
Dayari says: Alright.
Dayari says: Is there danger?
Dharkoth says: I will not be able to now and for some yes
Dayari says: Where are you going?
Dharkoth says: I can not say
Dharkoth says: you might write it down
Dayari says: Right, not supposed to remember.
Dayari says: But I should remember to watch Solivar?
Dharkoth says: just keep a close eye on Solivar and especially if Andinthee is around
Dharkoth says: yes you must remeber to watch Solivar
Dayari says: Yes. Watch Solivar.
Dharkoth says: be well my brother till we meet again
You stand at attention and salute Dayari.
Dayari draws a small dagger and carves the words "watch Solivar" in the leather of his gloves.
Dayari salutes you with respect.
Dharkoth says: I have to leave now
Guardian - Lore Master

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re: Breaking chains

[Steadfast gathers at Mardenholde Keep in the Western Plaguelands at Solivar’s request.]

Solivar inclines his head in geeting.

Dayari salutes Dharkoth with respect.
Dayari greets you with a hearty hello!

Solivar says: Dharkoth...I hope that I have not overstepped my authority....

Dayari waves at Luckÿ.
Dharkoth salutes Dayari with respect.
Dayari waves at Leía.
Leía greets Dayari with a hearty hello!
Luckÿ salutes Dayari with respect.

Dayari says: Place looks different...

Solivar says: But given recent events, and Baranthore's current...debility...I thought it wise to request the assistance of the Crusade in this endeavor.
Solivar says: I have craved an audience with Highlord Fordring -- he awaits us.

Leía shrugs. Who knows?

Dharkoth looks curiously at Solivar

Dayari says: Isn't there a reason why we wouldn't want Dharkoth to do that?

Leía stares off into the distance.

Dharkoth says: Solivar what is going on with you? What did that crazy guilty bastard do to you?

Solivar glances around, one hand straying absently to his forehead, and then back down again.

Leía scratches herself. Ah, much better!
Leía laughs.

Dayari says: Did you tell a joke?

Leía says: had an itch
Leía smiles.

Solivar says: It is of no significance -- not now, at any rate.

Dayari says: Oh. I thought you laughed at a joke. I wasn't sure if you did.

Leía says: its quiet alright

Myxx says: 2 orcs walk in a bar?

Dayari chuckles at Myxx.

Leía says: im just curious as to why we are here?
Leía shrugs. Who knows?

Solivar glances sidelong at Leia.

Dayari says: Didn't you tell us to come here?

Leía says: no

Dharkoth says: Solivar what are we doing here?

Leía says: i was asked to come here

Dharkoth says: what does he have to say to us?

Leía says: can't understand why though

Dayari says: Are you sure you didn't ask us to come here?

Leía stares Myxx down.
Leía says: nope

Solivar says: As I said...the Crusade stands ready to aid us -- but we must speak with Highlord Fordring. In truth...I suspect he has some concerns regarding Baranthore as well.

Leía says: i recieved a letter from solivar
Leía says: asking me to meet everyone here

Solivar says: And, for now, in this, the Argent Eye is...looking elsewhere.

Leía says: is it just me or is that a human
Leía points at Korlan.

Myxx says: i got a letter saying something about needing help so i brought food

Solivar says: For the time being -- but we must make haste.

Dharkoth says: then go

Leía is hopelessly lost.

Solivar says: Shall we?

Leía rolls on the floor laughing.
Leía says: she died
Leía rolls on the floor laughing.

[Inside the keep itself...]

Myxx says: whats wrong Solivar?

Leía says: hmmm?

Solivar pauses for a moment, gripping the balustrade tightly, his eyes squeezed closed.
Solivar shakes his head, a short, sharp motion, and continues on.

Leía says: whats up with him?

Dharkoth places a hand on Solivar's shoulder and leans close, "What is wrong with you?

Myxx says: im not liking this

Leía shrugs. Who knows?

Solivar says: ....I have...too many memories of this place tonight.

Leía gently pats Luckÿ.

[Steadfast is ushered into the presence of Highlord Fordring. As they are, a Death Gate appears and Andinthe, a former sister of Steadfast and presently a death knight of no known or particular loyalties emerges from it.]

Dayari peers at Andinthe searchingly.

Leía says: who in the world is that?
Leía points at Andinthe.

Andinthe nods at Highlord Tirion Fordring.

Dayari says: Can't remember if that one's Scourge or Not-Scourge.

Andinthe says: Steadfast.

Dharkoth looks at Andinthee and nods

Leía says: she gives me the creeps

Dharkoth nods at Andinthe.

Andinthe glancs over at Leía.

Dayari says: Who are they?

Luckÿ whistles at Andinthe.

Solivar inclines his head in greeting.

Andinthe says: It has been some time Solivar..
Andinthe says: I have... heard... of your recent encounters with our old friend..
Andinthe says: Most troubling....

Dharkoth says: you should know, since you caused it

Andinthe laughs.

Solivar says: Yes. I do not know if he is mad...

Andinthe says: He is, in a way.

Leía says: i remember that sword

Solivar says: ...Or under the influence of external forces....

Andinthe says: Yes, my actions may have caused it but there was no other way...

Leía says: a man, not him someone different
Leía says: hmmm

Dharkoth says: tell that to Baranthore when you see him if you live long enough

Solivar says: But he is a danger to himself. And others.

Andinthe says: Exactly, and I will Dharkoth, as I told you before.

Leía closes her eyes as memories beging playing in her head

Dharkoth says: and I warned you as well what to expect

Andinthe says: First, his daughter must be relocated, and it should be discovered what item drove him so mad.

Leía says: Alexandros
Leía says: that use to be his sword

Dayari ponders Andinthe's actions.

Leía shrugs. Who knows?

Dharkoth says: the item is something I have seen before and even have one myself

Andinthe says: You were insane to begin with, it would hardly have any effect on you I would assume.
Andinthe quietly snickers to herself.

Dharkoth says: what is your excuse?

Andinthe says: I need none for I am still sane...

Solivar glares ice-cold death at Andinthe.
Solivar says: That is debatable.

Dharkoth says: yes sane, just a cold hearted !@#$%

Andinthe grins wickedly.

Leía shivers as a chill runs down her spine at the sight of the new comer

Dayari says: Hunh.

Andinthe says: True, but I still work for the greater good.

Dharkoth says: do you?

Solivar says: What is the object she speaks of, Dharkoth?

Andinthe says: Why else would I be here...

Dharkoth says: you did not see Baranthore

Andinthe says: I don't need to, I know what losing someone does to you, Dharkoth..

Dharkoth says: It is called the Hiighborne soul mirror
Dharkoth says: did you loose a child?

Andinthe says: I lost a brother.

Dharkoth says: there is a difference

Myxx says: People going insane, Baranthore actually dangerous.... ok i dont know what he got himself into but if Baranthore is the person i think he is we dont have time to discuss matters this long lets get to work where is his daughter.

Andinthe nods at Myxx

Leía begs Myxx. How pathetic.

Andinthe says: Dharkoth, how can there be so many fragments of the mirror?

Dharkoth says: it is a mirror
Dharkoth says: each fragment holds a bit of the power

Dayari says: Broken mirror?

Solivar says: ...Like the mirror we found in Atal'Hakkar.

Leía lets a single tear slip down her face as she whispers " father"

Dharkoth says: yes

Andinthe says: Hmmm...
Andinthe says: I caught wind that you march on Stratholme... why?

Solivar glances over his shoulder at the warlock cowering in the doorway.

Andinthe looks up towards Leía.

Solivar says: Our sister has a problem that resides there.

Dharkoth says: one of our own needs freed

Andinthe says: What kind of a problem....

Solivar says: We are going to behead it for her.

Andinthe says: Ahh...
Andinthe says: That kind of problem...

Leía backs into the corner as the death knight approaches her

Solivar says: Yes.

Andinthe says: Yep, she's crazy alright..

Myxx starts cooking in one of the braziers to get ready for the fighting to come

Dayari says: Removing heads is a good idea: makes things quiet, usually.

Andinthe nods at Dayari.

Solivar says: Lady...please join us. Andinthe will do you no harm.

Leía says: if you'll forgive me, i dont trust strangers

Andinthe lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Dayari says: Strangers sometimes stab, good idea.

Dharkoth says: she is not to be trusted

Leía says: you remind me of one of my prosures

Dayari points at Andinthe.
Dayari says: Her?

Leía says: yes

Myxx says: i dont trust anyone yet.... I have not known any of you long enough.

Andinthe says: Why so contemptuous Dharkoth? What did I ever do to you?
Andinthe grins wickedly.

Dharkoth says: yes her Day, you remember her chasing us? You should of seen her as she tortured me. She so relished it

Solivar says: is not the time to play these games.

Dayari says: So we should take off her head?

Leía says: im not going to let that monster brainwash me
Leía says: he paid her to bring me back

Dharkoth says: Oh you don't know how nice that might feel

Leía says: her and that undead friend

Solivar says: *What?*

Leía glares angrily at Andinthe.

Dayari says: For her?
Dayari says: Most people like their heads attached.

Andinthe rolls her eyes.

Leía laughs.

Solivar glances between the two.

Andinthe says: If someone had sent me to retrieve you, little girl... you would already have been, retrieved... I have no business with you.

Dharkoth says: Leia who is it that we search for there?

Dayari stares at the Death Knight's neck.
Dayari says: Small...

Leía says: one death knight to another looks the same to me
Leía glares angrily.

Andinthe says: I am no Death Knight little girl...
Andinthe says: And you best keep that in mind.

Leía says: no offense solivar

Solivar says: None taken.

Leía says: you can be trusted

Dayari mutters to himself "I am no Death Knight..."

Solivar smiles wryly.

Leía says: she on the other hand

Dayari says: I'm no little girl death knight either.

Leía says: try anything with me and i'll feed you to my doomgaurd

Dharkoth says: Andinthe, stop trying to play your little bully game it is not becoming of you little one

Myxx says: who are we looking for in Scolomance?

Solivar says: She is...what she is. Neither a true friend, nor the enemy she once was. And you are correct, brother -- we are wasting time.

Dharkoth says: SHE will always be an enemy

Leía says: where is baranthore?

Dharkoth says: Solivar does she have to come with us?

Solivar says: Leia...I do not think even she knows the answer to that question. The more important one who do we hunt in Stratholme?
1/13 21:32:09.088 Dharkoth says: I seen no need for her to be going with us. She is nothing to us or Steadfast

Dayari says: So why is she here?

Leía says: the monster that is trying to brainwash me
Leía says: time to kill my old master

Dharkoth says: to play the thorn in my side nothing more

Dayari nods at Leía.

Andinthe says: Who is your master, little girl...
Andinthe says: Titles are little without a name to it...

Leía says: the lord of stratholme
Leía says: hiding behind his undead monsters
Leía says: i will have my revenge for what he did to my home!
Leía roars with bestial vigor. So fierce!

Andinthe says: Well, why are we wasting time then?

Solivar says: ...Let us go.

Dharkoth says: no one asked you

Leía gently pats Rhuunhym.

Solivar says: Andinthe...walk with me.

Andinthe nods at you.

Leía says: easy there dharkoth

Myxx says: you all take to long...
Myxx runs ahead to clear the way

Leía says: i say feed her to the doomgaurd and be done with it
Leía laughs.

Dayari looks at Andinthe.

Solivar grips Andinthe's arm in a rather unfriendly way and slams her without preamble into the wall.

Dayari says: You again.

Solivar says: [Thalassian] Woman, I do not know what game you are playing.
Solivar says: [Thalassian] I do not *care*.
Solivar says: [Thalassian] But you may consider this the only warning I will give you: do *not* provoke me. I have been...entirely too tolerant of the intolerable of late.

Andinthe seems to fade into somewhat of a frown.
Andinthe says: I play no games... Solivar... If I wanted anything of this rabble I would have taken it long ago and one would think....

Solivar says: [Thalassian] *Behave.*

Andinthe says: I have no aim here.... except to do what you all never did for me...
Andinthe says: I will not leave Baranthore behind.... as you all did to me...
Andinthe shoves Solivar back, and walks away.

[Steadfast departs for Stratholme, becoming separated along the way, and arriving at different gates. Eventually, they enter through the postern gate used by merchants and farmers before the Plague of Undeath ravaged the city. When they do so, Dharkoth is nowhere to be found.]

Dayari says: Everyone went somewhere else.

Solivar says: They should be here soon...

Dayari says: Alright, where'd the one with the tiny neck go?

Solivar says: ....This way.

Leía says: no going ahead

Dayari says: In?

Leía says: i still have the key
Leía says: even after all this time
Leía says: go
Leía says: hurry

Luckÿ points at Andinthe.

Leía says: we need to be quiet

Dayari flips the lever back and forth

Leía says: dont want him knowing we are here

Solivar says: ...Dayari. Please.

Dayari says: Sorry, was watching the gears tumble.

Leía shivers in her boots. Chilling!
Leía says: so many memories
Leía kneels down.
Leía says: has dharkoth made it

Solivar closes his eyes, and raises a visibly trembling hand to his face.

Dayari says: Somewhere. People usually are.

Leía says: its that rat im afraid of
Leía points at Magistrate Barthilas.

Andinthe glares at Magistrate Barthilas.

Leía says: dayari can you take him out
Leía says: ah crap
Leía says: too late

Andinthe says: I will handle him.. I will meet you further inside Stratholme.

Dayari says: Take who out?

Leía says: seems your so called friend ran ahead to alert the monster
Leía says: well so much for keeping this quiet
Leía says: we need dharkoth

Dayari says: Maybe your master doesn't hear so good?
Dayari says: Maybe not.
Dayari says: Doesn't open.

Solivar says: ...No. These gates were meant to bar an army.

Dayari says: We're not an army.

Leía says: lets see if lucky and dharkoth are outside
Leía says: before continueing

Dayari nods at Leía.

Solivar says: Agreed.

Leía says: where is dharkoth?

Luckÿ says: Dharkoth wanted to stay with Myxx, had something to talk about...

Dayari says: Alright.

Leía says: i guess we move on then
Leía says: we need to act fast, there is no telling what he'll do
Leía says: follow me
Leía says: i know the way

[Leia leads Steadfast deeper into eternally-burning Stratholme. Like Dharkoth before her, Andinthe vanishes.]

Dayari says: More Scourge.

Leía says: gotta take out his followers
Leía says: the banshee and the nerubian lord
Leía says: solivar?
Leía says: help us

Dayari says: Solivar?

Leía says: what is wrong with him?\

Solivar shakes his head, forcing himself to move, eyes open but strangely empty of expression.

Dayari says: Not paying attention to us.
Dayari says: Oh, there he is.

Leía clearly states, NO.
Leía says: fight it!

Luckÿ slaps you across the face. Ouch!

Solivar says: I...My apologies, Lady.

Leía says: dont listen to him
Leía says: im glad your alright

Solivar staggers sideways.

Leía says: but we have to move fast
Leía says: his voice is strong here

Solivar says: Thank you. I needed that.

Dayari says: This it?

Leía says: hurry

Dayari says: No.

Leía says: what is it?
Leía says: dayari?

Dayari says: Thought I saw something.
Dayari says: Bugs.

Leía says: damn a trap

Dayari says: I have a bug.

Leía says: damn him

Dayari says: Looks different

Leía says: there's the rat
Leía says: kill him

[Steadfast systematically mutilates the Scourge commanders still clinging desperately to Stratholme on their way to their true target...]

Leía says: he's on the other side

Dayari says: Another gate.

Leía says: i think we might have missed one

Leía says: yep

Dayari points at Maleki the Pallid.

Leía says: that should do it

Solivar says: Dayari?

Dayari says: yes?

Leía says: solivar
Leía says: come

Solivar says: Are you all right?

Dayari says: Leia?
Dayari says: Thought I saw something.

Leía says: just ghosts

Dayari says: Alright.

Leía says: this place is full of them

Dayari says: Those don't look like ours.

Leía says: now comes the hard part

Leía says: here he comes

Dayari says: It's a he?

Leía says: dont know
Leía says: he's close
Leía says: i can feel him

[...Baron Aurius Rivendare.]

Dayari says: Guess we go

[The fight goes as fights tend to do. ^_^]

Leía says: finally
Leía says: im free

Dayari nudges the corpse with his foot.
Dayari says: Dead.

Leía closes her eyes in happiness as the magic binding her to this place fades away
Leía smiles.
Leía says: it is done
Leía says: lucky if you would

Dayari says: Good.

Leía says: purify the body
Leía thanks everyone.

Dayari was happy to help Leía.

Leía says: thank you all

Luckÿ bows before Leía.

Leía says: for helping me get my freedom
Leía says: lets go tell dharkoth

Solivar says: You won your freedom by your own hand, sister.

Leía smiles.

Dayari says: Two of them.

Leía hugs you.
Leía hugs Dayari.
Leía hugs Luckÿ.
Leía says: now i can finally concentrate on finding my father
Leía says: i miss him so much

Dayari says: Is he here too?

[The druid uses his magic to bless Rivendare’s soulless corpse.]

Solivar says: ...Thank you, brother.

Leía says: no
Leía says: i haven't seen him since before the attack on my home
Leía spits on Lord Aurius Rivendare.

Solivar 's gaze slides to the wreckage of Rivendare.

Dayari says: Still dead.

Leía laughs.
Leía says: yep
Leía says: and may he remain that way

Solivar says: ...Even one such as he does not deserve an eternity of torment.

[Paladins of the Argent Crusade arrive to take charge of the cleanup operation and Steadfast departs through the smoke-filled streets...]

Leía says: the light has come to purify this place
Leía says: good
Leía says: may the ghosts of the past, know the peace they have not felt in a long time
Leía says: let us leave this place

Dayari says: Best to leave burning places behind.

Leía laughs.
Leía says: too true
Leía says: i do wonder what dharkoth and myxx were talking about?

Dayari says: Trap

Leía laughs.

Dayari looks at the rotted tree.
Dayari says: That supposed to be there?
Dayari gestures toward one of the rooftops

Solivar says: ....What do you see?

Leía says: is something wrong?

Dayari says: Something was on the roof.

Leía shrugs. Who knows?

[On the last leg of the journey, Solivar pauses outside Alonsus Chapel for a long moment.]

Leía lays a hand on solivar's shoulder lightly,
Leía says: come
Leía says: lets find our friend

Solivar shakes his head wordlessly, and does not argue.

Leía smiles at you.

Myxx says: nevermind here they are

Leía says: hail brothers

Myxx says: hail

Leía says: we bring you good news

Dayari says: There you are.

Leía says: he is dead
Leía says: and i am finally free
Leía cheers!
Leía blushes.
Leía says: sorry

Myxx says: that is good news indeed.

Leía says: so what have you two been talking about in our absence

Solivar says: Dharkoth.

Leía says: so where too now friends

Myxx says: not much was just telling dharkoth about my inn/reseraunt

Dharkoth says: I have nothing to say to you right now Solivar
Dharkoth says: so do not bother

Leía says: lead the way sir dharkoth and i will follow
Leía salutes Dharkoth with respect.

Dharkoth says: IS everything taken care of for Leia?

Leía says: yes it is
Leía says: now i can finally find my father

Dharkoth says: then it is time for me to leave

Leía says: dharkoth
Leía says: please dont go

Dayari says: You should write it down for us...maybe we could look for him too?

Myxx says: she likes you Dhark dont leave her.

Dharkoth says: I do not wish to be here right now and in the company I am in

Myxx lets out a hearty chuckle.

Leía says: i think our affected friend barathore can help

Leía says: but we need your help dharkoth

Solivar says: Dharkoth...stay.

Dharkoth says: then go help him

Leía looks between the two, sigh she says "dillydally shillyshally"

Dayari says: Who are we helping now?

Solivar says: She needs the wisdom of a teacher and a brother now -- you can give her that.

Leía taps her foot. Hurry up already!

Dharkoth says: Myxx I will see to getting you some help

Leía says: dilly dally, shilly shally

Myxx says: now is not the time baranthore needs out help now

Dayari says: I don't know what that means.

Leía says: its means, its time to let go of the past

Dayari says: Easy.

Solivar says: Farewell, Lady. I am...grateful that you have found the peace and freedom you sought.

[Solivar summons his gryphon and departs.]

Leía says: my mom use to say it to me when something was bothering me
Leía says: maybe you should listen dharkoth

Dayari waves goodbye to you. Farewell!

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